“Ion acoustics” go back to Hannes Alfven (another Swedish connection) and 
probably is relevant to the Manelas solid-state ferrite magnetic billet, even 
though there is no obvious plasma involved, no frozen-in mode and so on – but 
the key is negative hysteresis. Even the great Alfven was accused of having 
heretical ideas on anomalous energy.


A virtual plasma probably requires a minimum space for field lines (thus a 
rather large billet) and self-propagating waves (due to “conditioning”) in 
order to act like a solid state plasma. If there is a Higgs interaction, it may 
relate to the element Barium (barium ferrite) which has isotopes of the same 
mass as the Higgs. BTW one curious detail is that the billet will levitate a 
pin placed over it like the “Levitron” but without the electromagnet of the 
Levitron and with an analogy to high temperature superconductivity.


The thing that usually convinces skeptics of a bona fide anomaly in the Manelas 
device is that there was a substantial temperature drop in the billet over the 
test run, compared to ambient - and in spite of coils around it being pulsed 
with substantial current, which should have raised the temperature 


From: Foks0904 


I'm not so sure one needs to posit Higgs Field interactions -- maybe. I see it 
in a very basic way without too much esoterica. In over-unity electrical 
systems (possibly cold fusion) we initiate non-linear coupling between 
appropriate materials. This non-linear coupling produces these collective 
anharmonic modes. Moray B. King calls them "ion acoustical modes", T. Henry 
Moray was one of the first to propose this mechanism was at play in his plasma 


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