Axil -- You're all over the place. Seriously. Ed's theory has been
peer-reviewed by JCMNS, Infinite Energy, and he submitted/presented a white
paper at ICCF-18. I'd need a much clearer definition of what the "soliton
theory of LENR" is before I trust that could disprove anything. Do you
actually mean "your theory"? The theory that has never appeared in print
(beside a fractured mosaic of message board posts) and has never been
subjected to any real scrutiny or test whatsoever? And if you mean
Shoulders' theory instead, well that isn't your theory, and like I said it
would disprove all fusion models, not just Ed's. You have a preoccupation
with Ed because he dared to call you out for being a fuzzy thinker.

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 2:01 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Ed's theory requires peer review. The soliton theory of LENR is
> incompatible with Ed's theory as it stands now but with a little adjustment
> Ed could be promulgating the correct LENR doctrinaire. Ed is a prominent
> voice in the LENR community, if Ed can be converted to the truth, then
> others may follow.
> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>> And you seem to have some strange chip on your shoulder regarding Ed
>> Storms and his theory. If a plasmoid EVO is producing excess heat and
>> transmutation, all fusion theories are wrong, not just Ed's. I don't
>> understand your rant in the slightest.
>> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 1:16 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>> Anyone who references a plasmoid structure cannot take the theory of Ed
>>> Storms seriously.
>>> A plasmoid projects the causation of the reaction at a distant from the
>>> plasmoid. That negates the premise of Ed's  theory because Ed's theory is
>>> one where the action of causation is directed inward within the crack.
>>> Remote LENR reactions are seen all the time in LENR experimentation. Any
>>> such experiment will disprove Eds theory.
>>> The plasmoid will project as anapole magnetic field axially in a
>>> direction normal to its direction of current rotation.
>>> Action at a distance is a key that indicates the reaction causation in
>>> projected magnetism. This is a simple concept not a extremely outlandish
>>> and completely unsubstantiated ideas, It has been seen in many experiments
>>> that I can reference *ad nauseam.*
>>> Snip
>>> Doctor Ivoilov will present in his report some very interesting results
>>> for the
>>> traces.8 Here are some conclusions based on the presented experimental
>>> data.
>>> (1) The particle, which left the trace in the nuclear emulsion is
>>> charged, as
>>> nuclear emulsions are insensitive to neutrons.
>>> (2) The particle cannot have electric charge, as otherwise it could not
>>> be able to
>>> pass through *two meters of atmospheric air and two layers of black
>>> paper.*
>>> (3) The particle does not have high energy, as no delta electrons are
>>> observed.
>>> (4) The mechanism of the interaction between the particle and the
>>> photosensitive
>>> layer is not clear. Assuming the Coulomb mechanism, the absorbed
>>> energy estimated using the darkening area equals around 1 GeV.
>>> (5) The radiation is of nuclear origin; it interacts with magnetic
>>> fields.
>>>  .
>>> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 6:38 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>>>>  *it is in these domains of the nano-material that these coherent
>>>>> structures can become stable *
>>>>>  There are only a few particles that stay together for an extended
>>>>> period of time, only the proton really. The neutron will stay around 
>>>>> within
>>>>> the context of the proton, but will decay when isolated on its own.
>>>>> Solitons can stay stable in the context of the BEC for as long as the
>>>>> BEC endures but will decay when isolated on its own.
>>>>> The application of energy to air will catalyze a polariton soliton,
>>>>> but that vortex will rapidly decay. A high energy electron produced by 
>>>>> beta
>>>>> decay might produce a polariton soliton, when the emitted electron 
>>>>> releases
>>>>> its energy in a collision with a nitrogen molecule. But that soliton does
>>>>> not stay around very long, it decays in Picoseconds. The same is true for
>>>>> spark discharge in air. However, if the spark vaporizes material, say an
>>>>> aluminum sheet, a cooling plasma of aluminum will supply nano and micro
>>>>> particles together with the electrons and the photons in the spark
>>>>> discharge within a contextual medium to catalyze a polariton soliton BEC.
>>>>> The energy of the discharge is great enough to form a BEC. With the 
>>>>> support
>>>>> of this polariton BEC, this soliton ensemble persists and is localized for
>>>>> long enough to transmute the surrounding material through the projection 
>>>>> of
>>>>> a coherent anapole magnetic field (a monopole field).
>>>>> Ken Shoulders saw this whole process unfold in this research, but he
>>>>> never added the polariton and the associated BEC context to his
>>>>> experimental explanations.
>>>>> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 6:02 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>>>>> picking up and displacing very "fine grained" material and
>>>>>> re-depositing it elsewhere
>>>>>> With all respect, this is some conceptual junk that you pick up along
>>>>>> the way as an inappropriate analogy.
>>>>>> The key is that the magnetic field has an effect on the vacuum which
>>>>>> results in a complicated set of results. Spin flipping (the Higgs
>>>>>> mechanism) cannot be described in any context with the sedimentation of
>>>>>> material.
>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Foks0904 . <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm not so sure one needs to posit Higgs Field interactions --
>>>>>>> maybe. I see it in a very basic way without too much esoterica. In
>>>>>>> over-unity electrical systems (possibly cold fusion) we initiate 
>>>>>>> non-linear
>>>>>>> coupling between appropriate materials. This non-linear coupling 
>>>>>>> produces
>>>>>>> these collective anharmonic modes. Moray B. King calls them "ion 
>>>>>>> acoustical
>>>>>>> modes", T. Henry Moray was one of the first to propose this mechanism 
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> at play in his plasma tubes. Harold Aspden eventually arrived at the 
>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>> conclusion while attempting to explain the Correa PAGD -- which both he 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> Mallove believed was legitimate.
>>>>>>> So once the non-linear mode is setup, if all the conditions for
>>>>>>> material requirements and proper integration are met, the system will 
>>>>>>> set
>>>>>>> up these nano-vortices -- usually magnetic -- which, like any other 
>>>>>>> vortex,
>>>>>>> is quite good at picking up and displacing very "fine grained" material 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> re-depositing it elsewhere -- in this case from the "Aether" into
>>>>>>> our 3D-space (Higgs field, ZPF, or whatever) (think of a longitudinal 
>>>>>>> wave
>>>>>>> in a riverbed). We know ball-lightning solitons result from
>>>>>>> fracto-emissions -- perhaps it is in these domains of the nano-material
>>>>>>> that these coherent structures can become stable and setup resonance 
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> the vacuum.
>>>>>>> All speculation of course.
>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Axil Axil <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Another area that Ahern needs to look into is the way the Higgs
>>>>>>>> field seems to connect  together magnetism and  quantum
>>>>>>>> chromodynamics (QCD), which is the theory of quark-gluon
>>>>>>>> interactions.
>>>>>>>> When Ahern is postulating that nanomagnitism is effecting the
>>>>>>>> vacuum, he may mean to address how the Higgs field and nanomagnitism
>>>>>>>> interact,
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 1:54 PM, Axil Axil <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  Most scientists are constrained in their focus by their
>>>>>>>>> specialization to a limited field of study. To understand a system 
>>>>>>>>> fully,
>>>>>>>>> many fields of study must be considered to put all the pieces 
>>>>>>>>> together.
>>>>>>>>> One obvious area of inquiry that Ahern never pursued is to
>>>>>>>>> understand how magnetism affects the vacuum and/or nuclear stability.
>>>>>>>>> Another important piece of the puzzle that Ahern neglects in the
>>>>>>>>> critical role of quantum mechanics plays as a powerful amplification
>>>>>>>>> mechanism toward powering up Nanomagnetism to huge levels. When the
>>>>>>>>> dimensions of the lattice get below 100 nm, quantum effects 
>>>>>>>>> predominate. To
>>>>>>>>> understand Nanomagnetism, quantum mechanics is the sole factor that 
>>>>>>>>> reveals
>>>>>>>>> all the facts in the story of the nano system
>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, Ahern never mentions the pivotal role the spin plays
>>>>>>>>> in Nanomagnetism, including what defeats Nanomagnetism and what 
>>>>>>>>> supports it.
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Foks0904 . <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Yeah he's pretty dismissive of the Heat/Helium work, which I
>>>>>>>>>> disagree with for PdD at least, and we're still waiting on reliable 
>>>>>>>>>> ash
>>>>>>>>>> measurements from NiH, but he's of course entitled to his opinion 
>>>>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>>>>> still have a lot of respect for his views. I think, like he said, his
>>>>>>>>>> theory applies better to mysterious electromagnetic "free energy" 
>>>>>>>>>> systems
>>>>>>>>>> than it does to LENR, but he thinks the same phenomenon is at play 
>>>>>>>>>> in both.
>>>>>>>>>> I think non-linear anharmonic modes may indeed be at play here.
>>>>>>>>>> As I think I mentioned in the interview, on a personal level, I like 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> analogy of loaded hydride in a wet or gaseous system as a 
>>>>>>>>>> non-equilibrium,
>>>>>>>>>> non-linear, open system of sorts -- so I think energy concentration 
>>>>>>>>>> (in
>>>>>>>>>> "violation" of the second law) may indeed be at play. But on the 
>>>>>>>>>> flip side
>>>>>>>>>> I can't totally dismiss Storms' point of view that doesn't think any 
>>>>>>>>>> sort
>>>>>>>>>> of abnormal energy concentration is necessary -- that linear
>>>>>>>>>> reaction-diffusion can get H/D to the NAE efficiently enough without
>>>>>>>>>> needing to invoke non-linear dynamics. It's hard to say.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm hoping the ash analysis being carried out by ELFORSK can shed
>>>>>>>>>> some light on what's going on (i.e. fusion or not fusion). I'm 
>>>>>>>>>> banking on
>>>>>>>>>> that, because I don't really have a lot of faith DGT will be 
>>>>>>>>>> releasing a
>>>>>>>>>> wealth of mass spectrometer work anytime soon, even though they 
>>>>>>>>>> promised to
>>>>>>>>>> at last years ICCF.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Jones Beene <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>  This is an excellent interview. Have not finished yet, but
>>>>>>>>>>> there are a few things to add. Ahern is strongly impressed with a 
>>>>>>>>>>> magnetic
>>>>>>>>>>> invention (Manelas device) since he did the 8 day test - and which 
>>>>>>>>>>> device
>>>>>>>>>>> others have belittled. It is similar to the Floyd Sweet device (for 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> historians of overunity). The cross-connection to LENR is not easy 
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> explain but is there.
>>>>>>>>>>> It can be noted up front that Ahern does not believe that there
>>>>>>>>>>> is any evidence whatsoever for nuclear fusion in LENR. That includes
>>>>>>>>>>> deuterium fusion to helium and especially Ni-H. He thinks it is all
>>>>>>>>>>> nanomagnetic. Nanomagnetism is roughly equivalent to a combination 
>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>> superferromagnetism and superparamagnetism. They are two are 
>>>>>>>>>>> extremes of
>>>>>>>>>>> the same phenomenon.
>>>>>>>>>>> He believes that the helium seen in Pd-D is basically
>>>>>>>>>>> measurement error - noise. Krivit is probably pleased with that 
>>>>>>>>>>> assessment.
>>>>>>>>>>> *From:* Alan Fletcher
>>>>>>>>>>> Foks0904 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>  I'm sure many of you know of Brian Ahern from his EPRI report,
>>>>>>>>>>> his MIT colloquium appearance earlier this year, and now his 
>>>>>>>>>>> collaboration
>>>>>>>>>>> with MFMP. Even if you're not aware of him, I think this 
>>>>>>>>>>> conversation has
>>>>>>>>>>> enough for 3-4 threads worth of topics. We even flirt with the
>>>>>>>>>>> ever-so-dangerous & taboo possibility of "perpetual motion". Titled:
>>>>>>>>>>> "Nanomagnetism, Cooperative Modes, & Non-Linear LENR". Hope you 
>>>>>>>>>>> guys/gals
>>>>>>>>>>> enjoy:
>>>>>>>>>>> An outline can be found here:
>>>>>>>>>>> That's a MUST-LISTEN link.  (And I'm only half-way through!)
>>>>>>>>>>> Goes into some of the history of anharmonic modes (related to
>>>>>>>>>>> discrete breathers, Quodons we've discussed recently).
>>>>>>>>>>> At about 19minutes he says superconductivity and
>>>>>>>>>>> (super?)-ferro-magnetism are closely related (and that the latter 
>>>>>>>>>>> persists
>>>>>>>>>>> up to a thousand degrees.).
>>>>>>>>>>> Then I *think* he says that LENR could be a localized
>>>>>>>>>>> ferromagnetic effect tapping into vacuum energy.
>>>>>>>>>>> Needs a transcript.

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