LENR will always occur in a nanoparticle environment when pumped by an
electric discharge. This is witnessed by many experiments involving
exploding foils comprised of various types of metals.

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 12:29 PM, Bob Higgins <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com>

> First, the fact that the same output could be obtained with a 5J input is
> completely undocumented - it is just thrown out there and without presented
> demonstration or experimental data - the comment is worthless.
> Their calorimetry appears to be flawed.  They have apparently modified the
> calorimeter to bring in huge current carrying conductors, and everyone
> knows that what carries current well also transports heat well.  The heat
> carried by these conductors needed to be calibrated out of the reaction,
> but this was done in a way that did not account for the heat contained in
> the ejecta of the actual experiment.  The result is an overestimation of
> the heat carried out by the conductors and subsequently an overestimation
> of the COP.
> I am not saying that his COP is less than 1.  I think he may be realizing
> excess heat.  I just don't believe his claim for high COP at all.  And with
> low COP, you will not be able to convert to electricity with net gain.  I
> think he has an advantage in that he has high enthalpy of his output, but
> the COP is low.  The prospect of converting MW of light (even if the
> efficiency made sense) is pretty ridiculous.  I built a 5.4 kW array for
> solar electric and it had 67 square meters of collection area.  Do you
> really think he will be able to collect even 5 kW in a single square meter?
>  100kW would melt the PV cells due to inefficiency.  It is about as
> [im]practical as his completely flawed plan to use MHD conversion.
> Note also the work of Santilli with similar high current experiments.  His
> work was subsequently reproduced by Kadeisvili.  Santilli showed that in
> high current discharge, LENR transmutation occurred at a reasonably high
> rate.  The transmutation evidence was strong, indicating LENR was occurring
> in this high current discharge.  Mills may actually get excess heat, but
> much of it may be coming from LENR.  Mills does not want this to be the
> case, because heat produced via LENR would not be covered by his patents.
>  So he doesn't look for the transmutation products in his result, or he
> doesn't publish that data.  Mills may be correct about the fractional
> quantum states of hydrogen and they may be complicit in LENR.  But he would
> lose a lot of his patent value if the heat were proved to actually be
> coming from LENR.
> Bob Higgins
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Jojo Iznart <jojoiznar...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>  If I remember correctly, it is about 2/3 to 3/4 of the way on video 1.
>> A guy named Jim??? did the bomb calorimetry and he showed the output graph
>> of the temp rise which he calculated to be around 623+ J.  Randy then
>> explain that the input power was around 200+ J because the fuel was
>> enclosed in an aluminum sphere shell so it takes energy to vaporize the
>> aluminum sphere shell also.  He then explained that if the fuel is
>> detonated directly, that the input energy is 5J instead of 200+ J.  They
>> then explained that in this particular single explosion, the COP was 4+.

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