From: Peter Gluck
                … can you suggest an acronym that goes well with LENR?

Yes. If and when Mizuno’s experiment is replicated, and if it is as reliable
and robust as it was presented to be, then it will have marked a turning
point (or tipping point) in the progression from PF in 1989.

Seriously, everything prior to early 2014 can be called LENR, but…

…everything thereafter is MENR (pronounced “meaner”). Mizuno-enhanced-

At least, if the new work from others follows Mizuno’s basic formula of
nickel-deuterium plasma, and especially if he gets the kilowatt reactor
running this year – the one pictured in the MIT slides. Imagine a kilowatt
with good proof.

The MIT presentation will then have been the overlooked tipping point, but
most everyone missed it at first, since it did not fit into preconceived


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