>  Multiple reaction pathways are taking place in one system (a cocktail of
> sorts). As a result, we see perpetual conflation of the "F&P Heat Effect"
> (aka radiationless cold fusion) w/ whatever unusual hot fusion effect is
> being produced (i.e. like Axil linking LeClair's work to cold fusion, which
> is totally off-base, unless one is ready, at this early juncture, to adopt
> wholesale his hyper-speculative "whispering quantum hall magic gamma
> shield" hypothesis), perhaps by small-scale fracto-fusion, Casimir
> forces, & cavitation, when conditions are right, and so on. That's just
> spit-balling though, because as we know the neutron-to-tritium ratio is not
> reflective of known hot fusion reactions in the slightest, so whatever is
> producing the tritium has got to be a strange reaction pathway as well,
> because its certainly not commensurate with the excess heat either. This is
> one of those "mysteries" that I have seen no theory adequately answer as of
> yet. Storms made a good go of it in his recent book (at the very least he
> recognizes and advertises this enigma) but we'll have to await reliable ash
> data from NiH before any reliable conclusions can be drawn.

Like spin, the cause of LENR is not symmetric; magnetic Anatole field
projection has a definite  direction. The way in which the magnetic
projectors are configured has determining effect to what LENR reaction

For example, the Peterson cell produces gamma and a unique transmutation
ash foot print where heavy metals predominate..


What the NAE produces is based on the geometry that the NAE assumes and the
primary directions that the anapole field is pointed. Densely packed NAE in
a metal lattice will produce lots of heavy metals.

A dilute NAE distribution (DGT) will produce light elements like boron,
lithium, and beryllium.

Gamma radiation mitigation must be engineered into the system as both DGT
and Rossi have done.

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