You might say I am splitting hairs but what Mckubre has written here is
technically incorrect.
The Stephan-Boltzman law is relationship between temperature and output
It is not a relationship between input power and output power so you can't
use the law by itself
to infer any relationship between input and output power. Additional
assumptions/laws are required.


On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 1:08 PM, David Roberson <> wrote:

> You have a good understanding in my opinion.  There is no doubt that
> energy is being generated within the core.
> Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Alain Sepeda <>
> To: Vortex List <>
> Sent: Wed, Oct 15, 2014 12:59 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:E-cat : Minimum COP assuming worst mistakes possible
>  "A calibration curve will bend down. It never bends up."
>  this mean that temperature grow less than the power ?
>  this mean that when you increase the power, and if temperature grows
> much more that before, something anomalous is happening ?
>  Either excess heat, or some external blanket effect (increase of thermal
> resistance)...
> but convection does not diminish with heat?
>  did I undertand well?
> 2014-10-14 22:09 GMT+02:00 Jed Rothwell <>:
>>  Alain Sepeda <> wrote:
>>>    - is there a simple way , with minimal assumption, to be sure that
>>>    the COP>1
>>>  Look at the color. If it is dull red, it may be around 750°C which is
>> where you would expect it to be in a straight line extrapolation
>> calibration up to 800 W. If it is white it has to be around 1300°C, which
>> is far higher than the calibration indicates it should be. A calibration
>> curve will bend down. It never bends up. McKubre pointed this out:
>>   On page 7 of the report the authors state: “Subsequent calculation
>> proved that increasing the input by roughly 100 watts had caused an
>> increase of about 700 watts in power emitted.” This is interesting. The
>> shape of the output vs. input power curve is observed (or implied) to
>> strongly curve upwards in a manner completely inconsistent with the
>> Stefan-Boltzmann law for radiative heat loss. It is also inconsistent with
>> simple convective heat transfer but several issues need to be addressed
>> before we can claim this as a qualitative or even “semi-quantitative”
>> measure of excess heat production . . .
>>  Note that incandescent colors are similar for all materials.
>>  - Jed

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