This is in response to Reed's question in earlier thread.

Thought problem 1: physics

Suppose I am going to do a rigid body simulation. I put one box (box1)
on a plane, at the origin and hold another box (box2) suspended a
meter above the plane nearby. I release box2 at time t=20 and it
bounces, perhaps collides with box1 then eventually comes to rest. I
snap an image of the rest state of the sim.

Now I repeat the entire sim after first shifting everything (boxes and
plane) by 10m. The boxes and plane are in exactly the same relative
position as before. I drop box2 at t=20, let it bounce and snap an
image of the sim when it is at rest.

Question: will the two images of the two experiments show box2 in the
same rest position relative to box1?

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