>Assuming you are speaking about the step from VRML to X3D here:
>They have not cut off support for the external API. The thing about X3D
>is, that they've combined what was the EAI (external authoring
>interface) and the Browser Script Interface in VRML into the SAI (scene
>access interface) in X3D:
>         "[The] scene access interface (SAI) [..] can be used to interact
>         with X3D worlds both from within the worlds or from external
>         programs."
>Your nodes can be coded in any language supported by the browser with
>the bindings for Java and ECMAScript being explicitly defined and
>supported by most browsers.

   Wow, what you are suggesting here is definitely news to me.  As far as I 
understood it, SAI was the term they used for providing script nodes used to 
drive node logic, and EAI was the name for the browser api.  Perhaps I got 
confused by the naming them.  Do you have any pointers to documentation on 
how this combination now called SAI works then?

You are saying that I write a script node and somehow have access to my 
entire virtual machine, access to other script nodes running within the 
virtual machine?  i.e. lets say I want to have two nodes share a common 
object, they can both access it?

Something like this is possible:
Node 1 -
public void initialize()
      CommonObject o = Register.instance.GetCommonObject();

Node 2 -
public void initialize()
      CommonObject o = Register.instance.GetCommonObject();

And all of the node instantiation and event listening capabitilties are 
still there?
SuperNode 1
public void initialize()
       Node node = EAILikeInterface.CreateVrmlFromURL(url);
       node.getEventOut("foo").advise(this, "foo");
public void callback....

>I know of a browser which makes the SAI available through a web
>interface and thus offers a quite generic way to communicate with the
I didn't quite understand this, you have a link?

Thanks for the correction,

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