Sounds great.

Here are some things I was thinking of doing to terangreal, please 

* Change mouse cursor to reflect what clicking will do (i.e. 
differentiate between mouselook/move modes; change when over a hypercard 
or clickable)

* If you click some mouse button on an object it becomes selected
    * In the future, could show a panel to edit properties of selected 
object, or create new objects attached to it in scenegraph fashion, or 

* If a selected object has the "ui:actions" type that I added recently, 
then display those in a side panel as buttons

* Some way to show/hide sets of objects in the world, or change their 
properties together as a group (e.g. alhpa to make them fade in and 
out).  These groups could be called layers or groups.  This would be one 
way to get certain effects in your presentation actually.  Also useful 
in data visualizations, architectural type visualizations, etc.  Am 
thinking of a demo world that shows some kind of factory or plant with 
different systems on different layers, or an archeological site with 
structures from different time periods.

>  - Added an "<addtype>" directive under the <load> section in XOD files, 
> so objects from loaded files can be extended.

Ah, useful.

>  - If you can hit "g" while moused over a 3d object, you "grab" it, 

In general how should we start adding editing tools? Should we have an 
edit mode that turns on these keystrokes? Should you have to select an 
object (or objects) before you can edit them?  (Or, in edit mode, should 
mousing over be considered a "selection" for editing purposes, with an 
outline drawn around the object to indicate this.)

I think the Blender approach is a good one btw, where most commands are 
single keystrokes you can hit with your left hand while you mouse with 
your right (or vice versa).   But we should also have contextual menus 
(even pie menus?) too (especially for a CAVE or something).


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