For my NVidia setup on my laptop, I have RtCW working with the the GL
stuff. In order to make this work, I not only installed the proprietary
NVidia kernel module, but also installed the GLX "stuff" (separate
download) from nvidia.

Did you get the GLX/GL source of the same version as the kernel modules
for NVidia and X?

Install Both, restart X. There may be mods to the XF86.config to make it
use the GLX stuff that comes from NVidia, but I will need to check my
laptop when I get back to work.


Mark K. Kim said:
> Hello,
> So I tried running Quake 2, which ran fine except it doesn't let me use
> either the GLX or SDL GL video drivers.  I also tried to compile `gears`
> and `SDLgears` from and
> it won't run (it brings up a broken image, like it tried to draw the first
> frame but drew only a part of it, then froze.)
> But `glxgears` and the 3D screen savers work perfectly fine.  Also,
> "planets", a wireframe drawing test program from the OpenGL book, works
> perfectly fine.
> Does anyone know why these three apps (Quake2, gears, SDLgears) won't run
> on my system?  I'm running Debian Stable with NVIDIA's X11 drivers.
> Thanks in advance!
> -Mark
> PS: I read on google groups that I should disable the GLcore and DRI
> modules because NVIDIA's drivers have their own thing.  I did but it
> doesn't help.
> --
> Mark K. Kim
> PGP key available upon request.
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