
Take a look at grep.domXss , maybe we can improve it based on
webscarab's code? Maybe we can work together with Martin in order to
have a greater dom xss detection in both tools?

Hmmm, interesting idea. I'll look.

But what I want is processing whole page with all scripts on it and find
real vulnerability. Yes, it is browser behaviour =) Because as you already
mentioned false positives for such vulnerability are possible.
So we need either JavaScript engine like Google Chrome V8 or some mechanism
to use real web browser like Selenium.

I think that the best way is to integrate w3af directly with a
javascript engine or firefox. Integrating with a js engine might be a
little harder, but faster and more flexible. Integrating with firefox
could be done through something like .

I've tested both options and found that w3af wasn't stable enough to
add more complexities to it. This was a year ago, so maybe now its
time to start thinking about making it more complicated ;)

I has written PoC audit plugin for W3AF which uses Selenium to find DomXSS. It works =)

I'll also look at mozrepl and V8.

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