Thanks for the suggestions so far.
Video Play through Camera is selected and all combinations of the dip tried all to no avail.

Adrian S

On Thursday, Oct 10, 2002, at 07:04 Australia/Perth, Paul & Caroline van der Mey wrote:

iMovie also has:-

Preferences->advanced->Video play through to camera

Hope it helps.


Paul Doyle wrote:

Hi Adrian,


If it is possible to change that dip to PAL your problem may disappear.

Good luck


Adrian Skehan wrote:

Its got me beat! I have been trying to upload an iMovie (v 2.1.2) to a
VCR using a Canopus ADVC-100.


I am unable to play the iMovie on the Computer and monitor it on the TV
when not recording

I will appreciate any suggestions.


Adrian Skehan



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