On 11/10/02 2:37 AM, "Brett Carboni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am interested in buying a 'hair dryer' DP Mac but don't want to put up with
> the noise. (I use 9.2 a lot ­ and I know the next ones will not boot with
> it).

If you want OS9, you may be better of going with a second hand cube.

> What are the chances that Apple will fix this problem in its current
> incarnation? Or will they wait till the next model release? Not interested
> in mucking around with replacing fans etc.

Well, the problem is that unless something mad happens, the problem is only
going to get worse. As chips get faster they invariably produce more heat
that has to be gotten rid of. The only feasible way to do that at the moment
is with dirty great big noisy fans.

Rest assured though, Apple knows about the problem and is doing everything
possible to fix it.

> T.I.A.
> Brett Carboni
> Tsunami
> "noiseless sushi served silently"

That should read... "damn tasty noiseless sushi served with Brett playing
the piano!"


Matthew Healey


Matthew Healey
Information Systems
Western Orthopaedic Clinic

Phone: +61 (08) 9489 8700
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