I have now had two kernel panics today alone. They started about 2 weeks ago and seem to be getting closer together. yesterday or the day before I also had an issue where the screen seemed to be stuck in the "power saver" mode, ie. the brightness was very low even though the brightness control was at near maximum, and only a reboot fixed it.

Does this sound like the Logic Board issue, or do you think that it is software related. I am happy to reinstall OSX if it could fix the issue, but I don't want to waste my time backing up 40GB of data and reinstalling all my software if it turns out to be hardware related.


On 09/02/2004, at 3:08 PM, Kay, Richard wrote:

It is a 14 inch iBook 700MHz with 16MB VRAM ... purchased it new in May 2002 so it is just coming up to 2 years old.

I'm not sure whether there is any hardware test for the problem. The iBook was working perfectly (except for the odd kernel panic) and then all of a sudden last Tuesday morning the screen got lots of static on it ... this static turned into grey/white/green stripes running from top to bottom (pretty wild to look at) ... then the iBook died within the space of about 30 minutes.

Apart from the kernel panics I noticed it had been getting hotter than usual over the last 3 or 4 months under the left palm rest (but not excessively so).

See http://www.apple.com/support/ibook/faq/ for details of Apple's extended logic board repair extension program.

See also http://www.searchrochester.com/blackcider/index.html for details from affected iBook owners. The video section on this site has some good jpegs showing what happens to your screen if you have this problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Hewitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 9 February 2004 2:40 PM
To: WAMUG Mailing List
Subject: Re: random reboots

How old is your iBook?? Mine is still under warranty anyways if it gets
that far, is there any hardware test that can be performed to find out
if there is any hardware faults?
