I have now had two kernel panics today alone. They started about 2 weeks ago and seem to be getting closer together. yesterday or the day before I also had an issue where the screen seemed to be stuck in the "power saver" mode, ie. the brightness was very low even though the brightness control was at near maximum, and only a reboot fixed it.

Does this sound like the Logic Board issue, or do you think that it is software related. I am happy to reinstall OSX if it could fix the issue, but I don't want to waste my time backing up 40GB of data and reinstalling all my software if it turns out to be hardware related.


Try shift-booting it (this disables the non-essential kernel extensions). If the problem doesn't recur then it's likely it's one of your kernel extensions is causing the problem. Determining which one is the fun bit!

=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
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