Hi all,I am getting random Kernel Panics with no pattern that I can see, 3 of them, could be 4 :-). Once on start up, once when I changed programmes and do not remember the other one. My Serial number is UV 12143 KLBT iBook /500MHz . I have run DiskWarrior over it with a clean bill of health. I am still under Applecare. Do I do anything else? Is there a Protocol that one should go through when it occurs?


On 11/02/2004, at 15:00, Kay, Richard wrote:

If your iBook falls within the serial number range UV220XXXXXX to UV318XXXXXX, I'd hazard a guess and say BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID!!

It might be worth doing a reinstall of the software ... I've got that down to 45 minutes (including internet configration and loading of odds and sods software). Just to rule that out.

There is probably nothing Apple can do for you until your machine actually demonstrates one or more of the following symptoms: scrambled or distorted video; appearance of unexpected lines on the screen; intermittent video image; video freeze; or computer starts up to blank screen. In my case my iBook demonstrated ALL of these symptoms within the space of 30 minutes ... culminating with computer starts up to blank (black)screen.

My iBook's new logic board was being installed this morning. I'll probably pick it up tomorrow.

Good luck!


PS: Does it feel like you're machine is running hotter?

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Hewitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 February 2004 12:07 PM
To: WAMUG Mailing List
Subject: Re: random reboots

I have now had two kernel panics today alone. They started about 2
weeks ago and seem to be getting closer together. yesterday or the day
before I also had an issue where the screen seemed to be stuck in the
"power saver" mode, ie. the brightness was very low even though the
brightness control was at near maximum, and only a reboot fixed it.

Does this sound like the Logic Board issue, or do you think that it is
software related. I am happy to reinstall OSX if it could fix the
issue, but I don't want to waste my time backing up 40GB of data and
reinstalling all my software if it turns out to be hardware related.


On 09/02/2004, at 3:08 PM, Kay, Richard wrote:


See http://www.apple.com/support/ibook/faq/ for details of Apple's
extended logic board repair extension program.


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