On 28/02/2004, at 9:43 PM, Malcolm J McCallum wrote:

Hi all,I am getting random Kernel Panics with no pattern that I can see, 3 of them, could be 4 :-). Once on start up, once when I changed programmes and do not remember the other one. My Serial number is UV 12143 KLBT iBook /500MHz . I have run DiskWarrior over it with a clean bill of health. I am still under Applecare. Do I do anything else? Is there a Protocol that one should go through when it occurs?


Word is that the logic board failure problem may extend beyond machines with serial numbers listed for Apple's iBook extended logic board warranty program.

Fortunately I see you have AppleCare.

Looks like those outside of the serial number range are pursuing the class action suit: http://www.searchrochester.com/blackcider/class_action.html


Richard Kay.
Western Australia