> From: Mark Secker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 08:53:29 +0800
> To: "WAMUG Mailing List" <wamug@wamug.org.au>
> Subject: Re: Security flaw in Mac OS X
>> Rob,Why put this on the web rather than inform Apple directly? or am
>> I missing something. I will be very interested to hear Shay's
>> comments
> because of a long history of computer companies burying such exploits
> unless there is a general community (well general technical
> community) going "we want it fixed NOW
> -- 
Apparently (according the word out there among tech geeks) Apple were first
notified in January this year about the problem, they
cannot easily fix it though because it is so integrated into the system,
the same problem that windoze has with scripts apple has too, if you
turn them off there are no more wizards or online dynamic help files...

It's interesting but it never even occurred to me to tell Apple as I just
assumed that they know (which they do). It's like politicians who never know
anything about anything until the press get hold of it then it's a scandal
and they promise to fix it and reform everything.

I will follow I with interest.