Weeeell, it appears from my system log that I am given no option on DNS by my ISP - the wonderful Westnet.

I have 10.3.5 running (always a bit scared to do a major update until I see what happens to others out there - Windoze habit of many ouches) and I have **no** DNS specified in the networking prefs.

Extract from the 'system log' just now:

"Nov  9 11:44:03 localhost pppd[651]: Serial connection established.
Nov  9 11:44:03 localhost pppd[651]: Using interface ppp0
Nov  9 11:44:03 localhost pppd[651]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/cu.modem
Nov  9 11:44:05 localhost pppd[651]: local  IP address
Nov  9 11:44:05 localhost pppd[651]: remote IP address
Nov  9 11:44:05 localhost pppd[651]: primary   DNS address
Nov  9 11:44:05 localhost pppd[651]: secondary DNS address"

So this may be the reason that I haven't found any consistent behaviour with the Safari stutter :-)

Do other ISPs serve you up their DNS like this?

Nancy M