Ahemm J Philippe Chaperon...

On 3 Jan 2005, at 7:25pm, J Philippe Chaperon wrote:

Hope you all had a good Christmas and a New Year.

Time to go back to work unlike some headmaster hailing from the South ... :)


I'm not sure if your little barb is aimed at this *poor principal* or not, but I too am in "awe" of the so many WAMUG list members who contribute to this list. In addition I must add, as a lurker to this thread, that the only dumb question is the one you do not ask. Fear not, you might get a stern lecture on nettiquette (que?) from time to time, or a toungue in cheek barb, but generally someone will toss in an idea that helps. If they don't, post it to another list. There are a lot to choose from.


(Packing boxes in readiness for the big move back to Gero! Just counted 5 computers in the household now, probably 3 too many!)