In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
on Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 09:24:05AM +0800, Paul Kitchener wrote:
> A couple of earlier posts on this issue were a little surprising to me.

[Speaking personally...] If the off-list replies are related to the
solution of your problem or are of specific interest to the WAMUG
community, then of course it is best to forward them to the list
appropriately. In fact, it would probably be great if everyone were in
the habit of sending a summary of the suggestions received, plus their
level of success. But when broadcasting off-list messages via the list,
best practice is to anonymise them (especially if they contain remarks
of a 'personal' nature, which is what triggered the recent discussion of
this issue). While I will gloss over copyright considerations, as a
general guide you should remove: names (of both companies and people),
e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and personal IP addresses. A simple
way to achieve this for most messages is to trim off 'signatures' and
'attribution lines'.