On 22/02/2005, at 2:02 AM, Onno Benschop wrote:

Matthew Healey wrote:

Being in Perth doesn't really help the matter. We are just too small a market for Apple to care. I am surprised that the Apple staff in Perth have kept their jobs as long as they have.

(Yes, I am bitter. This particular delayed order has the very real possibly of costing me my job.)

I must observe that if your employer makes your job dependent on the ability of a third-party it means that either you have promised something you cannot deliver, or it's time to look for a new employer.

It's not so much a case of promising something I couldn't deliver. It was more a case of recommending a solution (knowing that it would take about a month to arrive) and allocating the appropriate amount of time.

Then finding out that Apple's BTO web site says one thing, but actually means another and thus having the order held up for a further two weeks (or more) which blows out the timing for the project.

- Matt