On 12/11/2009, at 2:11 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 12/11/2009, at 1:40 PM, Brian Scott wrote:

On 12/11/2009, at 1:20 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 12/11/2009, at 12:44 PM, Brian Scott wrote:


I've created an AirPort WEP network in the hope of exchanging some files between my 2 computers i.e.

PowerBook G4, OS 10.4.11


iMac Intel, OS 10.5.8

but the remote computers aren't showing up in Finder.

I've done this successfully once before a couple of months ago but there seems to be a crucial step that I've forgotten.

I have File Sharing turned on in both computers and the network I created is showing connected in their AirPort drop down menus.

What else do I need to do to copy files from one to another?

They are about 25 feet apart & virtually in line of sight of each other.

AirPort status on the PB is showing 'computer-to-computer' on the iMAC 'On'.



Hi Brian,

A couple of things you could check.
1. In Finder > Preferences - General. Do you have selected under "Show these items on the Desktop"... "Connected Servers" ?

2. In System Preferences > Sharing - File Sharing click on the options button & do you have "Using AFP" selected?
and Yes

I seem to remember the remote computer showed up in the side bar of the Finder and I needed to click Connect is this correct?

Yes, Brian it should show up in the side bar & you either click to connect or in Finder - Under GO in Menu Bar > Connect to Server.

What I'm confused about is your comment "AirPort status on the PB is showing 'computer-to-computer' on the iMAC 'On'." I thought you were sharing over the same Airport Network, but by that comment you have the PB not connected to your Airport Network but to a "Computer-to-computer" Network?

All my computers are connected to my Wireless Network & I can connect & share files with all computers.


I think the "AirPort status on the PB is showing 'computer-to- computer' and on the iMAC 'On'." situation may be down to the different OS versions, if the PB had OS 10.5.8 then it would probably show 'On' as well. Just guessing..

Keep in mind this network stuff is fairly new to me and I'm probably not asking the right questions or giving the right answers ;)

I've failed to get the network going again for while now and have had to disconnect the external HDD from the PB and connect it up to the iMAC to shift the files about, I'd rather not move the HDD about the place so much.


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