on 12/11/09 8:28 PM, Daniel Kerr at wa...@macwizardry.com.au wrote:

> Hi Brian
> From your computer you don't need to create an Computer to computer wireless
> network if you're running an Airport.

I am assuming from Brians reply that the reason he has set-up a computer to
computer network is that he has two computers with Airport cards but no
Airport Extreme or Express devices.

Is this the cause of his problem, can the iMac be simultaneously talking to
the internet through an ethernet network and talking to another mac via a
computer to computer Airport network?

You are undoubtable better qualified than me to answer this Daniel!!


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

> Your set up would perhaps be something like that (apologies of others have
> covered this, I've just walked in and firing off a reply)...
> Netcomm Router connects to Airport via Ethernet.
>  iMac connects to either router with Ethernet (or wireless).
> Laptop connects wireless to "Airport" (doesn't need a computer to computer
> network).
> Log into Airport and ensure that "IP address configuration" is set to
> "Bridge Mode", thus allowing all computers to be on the same "network".
> File sharing turned on both machines.
> Once that is all set, then everything should be set to see each other,
> share, work together, etc.
> I've seen a few of these "mixed IP networks" on my travels and normally gone
> through and reconfigured them through for clients to all be on the same
> "network". It cuts out a lot of hassles, particular for sharing of files or
> for troubleshooting modems. Also for network printers and the like you can
> run into issues with some see it and some not for different networks.
> Once it's set up, it'll just work all the time :)
> Hope that all makes sense and helps.
> Kind Regards
> Daniel
> On 12/11/09 8:14 PM, "Brian Scott" <scot...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
>> On 12/11/2009, at 7:01 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:
>>> Hi Brian,
>>> It might help if we had a few more details as to how your network is
>>> set up
>>> eg:
>>> You say:
>>>> I've created an AirPort WEP network
>>> What wireless router did you use (eg Airport Extreme or Airport
>>> Express)
>> Wireless Card Type: AirPort Extreme.
>> I used AirPort's menu to create a computer-to-computer network with a
>> WEP pass word.
>> My PB is connected to this network wirelessly - at least I'm assuming
>> it is as indicated in the PB's
>> AirPort menu and icon in the Desk Top menu bar.
>>> I'm assuming you are on broadband internet, if you are using an Apple
>>> Airport device, you must have a separate ADSL modem and you also
>>> mention a
>>> four-port hub (presumably ethernet), how are these devices connected
>>> together.
>> I'm using a NetComm NB5Plus4 ADSL2+ Modem Router connect to my
>> ethernet port
>>> I'm assuming that both your computers are connecting to the internet
>>> OK -
>>> are they both connecting via the wireless network you have set-up or
>>> is one
>>> of them connecting directly by ethernet.
>> Only the iMac is connected to the internet
>> I'll study the rest of your post in more detail tomorrow,
>> the humidity is getting to me & I've been at this for several hours
>> off and on.
>> I've got feeling the answer lies in the rest of your post but I can't
>> concentrate.
>> Thank you very much for your help
>> Brian Scott
>> iMac 24" 3.06 2 Duo
>> 3.06 GHz/4GB/NVIDIA 512 MB
>> OS X 10.5.8
>> Sitting on a empty 1975 Burroughs-B800 console
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> Daniel Kerr
> MacWizardry
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