Hi Neil

On 12/11/09 9:35 PM, "Neil Houghton" <n...@possumology.com> wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> That sounds very interesting - could you just clarify a couple of things:
> - My Airport network server is an Airport Express (not the current version,
> bought Nov 2007 - Part Number: M9470X/A) - does this support "bridge mode"

Yes, it should support Bridge Mode. There was (is?) three options normally.
When you go in with Airport Utility, then go to "Internet", down the bottom
you should see "Connection Sharing". The three choices here are"-
1. Share a Public IP Address
2. Distribute a range of IP addresses
3. Off (Bridge Mode)
If you use Bridge Mode, then it will do as I mentioned.
> - To enable "bridge mode" I assume I need to connect to the Airport Express
> by ethernet and use Airport Utility?
Yes, you just need to connect to the Airport Express using Airport Utility.
> - I have a printer shared via the Airport Express and a stereo connected for
> air Tunes - if I enable "bridge mode" does that mean the ethernet connected
> computer will now be able to print and stream music via the Airport Express
> (being on the same network & all)
All these features should just be the same, as all you're doing is changing
the IP address sharing feature, Rather then both your ADSL modem AND your
Airport doing it, it just means your ADSL modem does it is all, and allows
your Airport to do "the other things".
*Note* you may find some things need a restart after changing these
settings, as it needs to get the "new" IP addresses across to everything.
(ie you want everything to all be in the 192.x.x.x network range for every
machine and device).
> - The airport network is set up with WPA2 Personal security - can I enable
> "bridge mode' and just leave all the security settings as before.
Yes, you don't need to change any of the other settings at all. You're only
changing one setting.
> Cheers
> Neil

If you want to "sure" and have a backup plan just incase you can also do the
following before you start.
When you go into Airport Utility, if you go to the File Menu and choose
"Save a Copy As" then choose a name for it, eg "Configuration1". Then when
you save it, if something "goes wrong", you can always go back to this
"Saved configuration" and restore it, then work forward from there again to
change it.
(Plus it gives you a backup of all the settings just incase".)

Hope all that helps. (Although fairly ok with networking, I may not always
explain these the best way...if I'm sitting infront of it all doing
it,..well then it's easy,..trying to type it all out and get it
right,..well, that's another story,...) :o)

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

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