Greetings to all

As a very recent Imac user I transferred all of My Photos from my PC to the new 
Mac using a Belkin Switch to Cable system and everything appears to have come 
I had many years of photos on my old PC and the transfer took some time
I had over a 100 folders including many from a recent trip to Europe. These 
most recent photos were taken on a Canon and a Fuji.

 The Canon downloaded all pictures neatly into folders according to the date 
the photo was taken whereas the Fuji did not and I then sorted each Fuji 
download into folders according to the town or place we visited over 70 days. 
There was nearly 9Gb of photos from this recent trip

Curious thing now is that a great number of My Pictures have ended up in Photos 
and the rest in Events
It does appear as though the Mac may have decided that if the folder was the 
name of a person  then those photos went into Photos and if the folder was 
named say by a location then this lot went into Events. This was not the case 
in 100% of cases but simply a guess on my part at the moment

Those photos now in Photos appear also to be sorted by the date the photo was 

Result is of course that in trying to create a DVD the search is quite difficult

Not sure where to go next
If I could transfer all the Events group into Photos I may at least have these 
then sorted by date which would be a help

Next time I think we will just use one camera rather than 2

IMac 27

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