I hope I'm not teaching anyone to suck eggs... I can't say that I'm an expert in iPhoto, but here are some tips which might help.

Once you select of photo in iPhoto (I use 7.1.5), there is an option under the Photos menu called 'adjust date and time'.  You should be able to use this to adjust the date on scanned photos.

iPhoto doesn't store copies of photos (except as you adjust photo settings)- it just has multiple ways of pointing to the master copy. eg Events, Photos, albums, smart albums. I had to work a bit in my head to get over my old-fashioned, hierarchical view of storing things.

I find keywords, star ratings and smart albums are great.  In Peta's examples, I would use a keyword for Holidays, and Birthdays, and Family Tree.  Each photo can have multiple keywords.  So, if I had a photo of my mother's birthday, taken on a holiday, I could give it 3 key words.  I also give a 4 or 5 star rating to all the good photos.

I then use smart Albums to automatically generate albums based on keywords (and ratings and date ranges).  So, if Peta makes a Smart Album which collects all photos with the keyword Birthday, as she imports more photos and applies the keyword Birthday, the Smart album automatically updates itself.  Cool eh?

Just beware that use use the keywords consistently.  Birthday and Birthdays are different!


peta belczowski wrote:

As Paul has said, I am sure you will find that your photos will be in Photos and also in Events.

Originally, nearly 2 years ago, I also was not happy with the way in which iPhoto sorted out my photos, and I battled (am battling) on in various ways to try and force iPhoto to put my photos where I wanted, and as I had them originally placed on my PC.  Having actually lost photos right off the system (because I was trying to cut and paste as I had done on my PC) I had to accept and give in, still trying to adapt to the way the Mac handles photos.

This date order that iPhoto works on is actually a nuisance to me because many of my photos have been taken from old slides; or having been scanned in from an old/new photo.  iPhoto recognises the dates of these photos as the date they actually are placed into iPhotos., so old-by-date photos, when imported into an existing folder, place themselves up with the most recent-in-date photos.  (No problems with dates with digital cameras).

Two things that I have found of great help.  One, is to work from Events, then you can place these - by dragging the folders - in the order you want them.  You can also merge one folder into another when you want to, by dragging one file onto the top of another folder.  EG, I have Christmas 1979, Christmas 1980, Christmas 1981; Holidays 1999, Holidays 2000; Birthdays 2000, Birthdays 2001 and so on.  If I come across more Christmas 1979 photos I import these and then go into Events and add to/merge my earlier file.  So each section in Events is in the order and date order that suits me.

The second thing I have done (I have gone over every photo, nearly 10,000, gradually and done this, - now I do it each time I place photos by whatever method into iPhoto) - is to rename each photo.  This helps greatly in the excellent search function in iPhoto.  (**I have also renamed, where I think it appropriate) each "file" name.  So within Family Tree Smith file (bearing in mind some  of my photos areninserted from slides, or which I have scanned in) have been renamed so each individual photo reads, EG "Smith F.T. Pemberton Pool, Denis, Janet 1940's".  Then I can search by Smith or by Pemberton, or by Denis, and up come my photos.

It is always better to give a time frame whenever you can to save problems later, EG much better when possible to firstly show 2009-09-11; or even Sept. 2009.  With really old photos I try to put at least, "1940 ish".

Sometimes I have photos given to me by another person and these may have been put onto a USB stick.  Then it is important to also retain the same name that your source has given to them - EG Smith F.T. Farm, Mum, Gran 1950 ft ks 115619".  Partially meaningless to us, but important if we need to ask our source any questions about that particular photo at a later date.

Hopefully this also will help you a little.

Have fun


On 21/12/2009, at 10:29 PM, Paul van der Mey wrote:


My experience with iPhoto is that all the images appear in Photos AND Events.
The difference being that Events groups the photos by time (the default on import?, Go to iPhoto -> Preferences -> Events to see the other options)

Go to the events view and slowly drag across one of the images. You should see a slide show of the images in that Event. Double click to view the images in the Event.
You should find all Events are groups of images taken on the same day.

It is possible to turn the auto-splitting on import function off when importing from the finder (a check box in the Event Preferences) in which case you would see events as folder names that have been imported.

Thank you

Paul van der Mey
Mob. 0419 201 477

On 21/12/2009, at 5:48 PM, Graeme Winters wrote:

Greetings to all

As a very recent Imac user I transferred all of My Photos from my PC to the new Mac using a Belkin Switch to Cable system and everything appears to have come across.
I had many years of photos on my old PC and the transfer took some time
I had over a 100 folders including many from a recent trip to Europe. These most recent photos were taken on a Canon and a Fuji.

The Canon downloaded all pictures neatly into folders according to the date the photo was taken whereas the Fuji did not and I then sorted each Fuji download into folders according to the town or place we visited over 70 days. There was nearly 9Gb of photos from this recent trip

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