Hi Laura,

Sorry, I have no experience/help to offer in this area.

However, I do have a couple of suggestions to make regarding how you are
attempting to solve this and use the list:

Rather than saying something like ³I'm still having problems²  give details
on just WHAT problems you are encountering (and when) ­ it helps people to
help you.

If someone like Rod or Ronni has suggested a step-by-step procedure, then go
through it and then report back which steps you successfully completed and
at which step you encountered a problem ­ and exactly what the problem was.

The more specific the info you provide and the better you describe your
problems, the more likely someone on the list will recognise exactly what
your problem is and how to fix it.

Just my 2c worth ­ but that has certainly been my experience.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 19/1/10 1:06 PM, Laura Webb at el...@iinet.net.au wrote:

> Hi Rod
> Thanks for your email. I'm still having problems and am just about ready to
> consign the whole project to the "too hard basket". I've used the iDVD Help
> Menu and referred to text books recently lent to me. All to no avail. Ronni's
> recent advice to Susan was similar to what you've suggested so it seems in all
> of this that I am missing some vital element.
> On 17/01/2010, at 8:31 AM, Rod Blitvich wrote:
> Try this:
> File: Export
> Quicktime
> Playback uses fixed timimg
> select the time for each slide eg 5 secs
> try "Enter Full screen mode when opening"
> this will create a .mov file. (Quicktime movie)
> Following the above, I have the Keynote slideshow as a Quicktime movie which
> plays well in the Quicktime player. I added an audio track and that also works
> well. 
> Then open iDVD
> File New
> name it and Create
> choose a theme
> Project Info - Video Mode = PAL
> View Menu - Show Map
> Drag your movie from the desktop to the top window which says "Drag content
> here to Play automatically when disk inserted"
> I've done all of the above and the file plays in iDVD Preview.
> then Burn and try it out.
> Try as I might I cannot burn the file. I keep getting a message about
> "warnings during project validation. Recommend to fix problems before
> burning". I've gone to the help Menu to find out about the warnings and am
> advised to click on the Map button at the bottom of the screen which is
> supposed to indicate where the problems are. When I click on this button the
> window with the "drag content here to Play automatically when disk inserted"
> disappears and then to return to where I was I have to go back to Project Info
> and Show Map all over again.
> I did try burning in Toast from a saved disc image and although it went
> through all the process and then told me the disc was ready, there is nothing
> on it or if there is it can't be accessed.
> I've wasted several DVDs but now have some re writable discs for future
> attempts (if there are any!!)
> I'd appreciate any further suggestions.
> Regards
> Laura
> MacBook
> OS X 10.6.2 
> iWork 09
> On 17/01/2010, at 7:16 AM, Laura Webb wrote:
>> Good morning all
>> As a newbie user of Keynote I've managed to sort out how to create a basic
>> presentation. I've made good use of the on line tutorials. A good project for
>> a hot day!!
>> With a very new superdrive I wanted to put burning a DVD to the test,
>> something I've not been able to do before, because my MacBook previously only
>> had a combo drive. Some of you will remember all my recent problems with the
>> optical drive when upgrading to SL I did the burn of my keynote presentation
>> through Finder and had no problems with that.
>> I had expected the DVD would play on the DVD player attached to my TV so I
>> could view the slides in a larger format.  It doesn't and just comes up as
>> "unknown disc". Nor can I play it in the normal way through my MacBook.  I
>> can view the new DVD of my Keynote presentation through Front Row (and like
>> what I see) so I know all the slides are there as they should be and that the
>> burn was successful.
>> Could someone please explain what I am doing wrong? Why can't I  view my
>> Keynote DVD in the same way as any other DVD?
>> Regards
>> Laura
>> MacBook 10.6.2
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> <image.gif>
> Rod Blitvich  - Amy & Sam¹s Dad
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  0409 681 256  
>  rb...@iinet.net.au <x-msg://181/rb...@iinet.net.au>
>  http://web.me.com/blitto <http://web.mac.com/blitto>
> I haven't lost my mind......
>  .......it's backed up on disk somewhere!

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