"One of the selling points of the device, iBooks, which allows users to access an array of e-books and digital textbooks, is not listed as a feature on the iPad page on Apple Australia's website.

This indicates it will not be available to Australian users when the device is launched here in March. A note on the US site says iBooks is "available in the U.S. only"."

Sent from Ronni's iPhone

On 28/01/2010, at 1:32 PM, Rod <> wrote:

As soon as the distribution rights are sorted with books (and what a minefield that will be!!), I can see schools such as PLC ditching laptops altogether and going for ipads and the keyboard adapter kit. Ditching hefty textbooks will be a boon for kids with sore backs!

Watch the explosion of educational software come out.....great time to be a cocoa developer :-)


Rod :-)

Sent from my iPhone

On 28/01/2010, at 1:13 PM, Chris Griffiths <> wrote:

Mmm… not sure.

I guess I wasn't talking about the romantic young couple. Yes, I can see the need for the butter stained romantic hard bound book. You could always use a stained digital background on your iPad ;)

I was talking about the commercial books; your paperbacks, your business books & especially your student text books (90% of the books sold in the newsagency). Not to mention the newspapers and mags.

Also, technology accelerates. Yes, it will be an interesting future.

Regards Chris Griffiths
VISUALM_Brand Management
Phone: (08) 9381 2537

On 28/01/2010, at 12:55 PM, Mark Secker wrote:

I can people using products such as these to replace magazines, periodicals and factual repository books (dictionaries/ encyclopedias etc)... Our “normal computers, both desktop and la ptop have already been doing this over the last 15 years... Project Gutenberg and Google books along with ewer devices like the iPhone & touch and Kindle and now the iPad will accelerate this...

But... Don’t look at books dying not in our lifetime, probably not even in the long term future.... There is a very visceral connection with books that no hand held device will emulate. Try imagine a young couple punting down the river Cam reading Wordsworth, Byron and Keats from their Kindle ...

   One shade the more, one ray the less,
   Had half impair'd the nameless grace
   Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her f.. OH! FUDGE!!... Batteries gone and snuffed it already

And “ an iPad stained with butter drips from crumpets" just d oesn’t strike me as a memorable quote

Maybe in 10 years time you won’t see magazines for sale, nor th e airport lounge pulp fiction paperbacks. Maybe in 20 years books will return to being the rare “prestige product” that they once were, with only the “classics”, both modern and old, will be put to press.. and hard bound.. Ready to soak up butter drips from crumpets.

On 28/01/10 11:12 AM, "Chris Griffiths" <> wrote:

I agree with you Paul.

It won't be long before traditional print will be a rarity especially with the protests around chopping down forests and greenhouse warming.

Offset print will decline rapidly. I have even seen it in the last few years. Printers that were running 24hrs a day are now running the presses a lot less and some have even stopped some presses. Now if you know about these presses you know how much it costs to stop and start them!

Yes, maybe we will have a paperless society sooner than we think. Especially when we have the advent of the iPad and obviously other pads.

Regards Chris Griffiths


VISUALM_Brand Management

Phone: (08) 9381 2537 <>

On 28/01/2010, at 10:54 AM, Paul Weaver wrote:

I suspect that for developed countries there is a very good chance that the iPad and Apple’s enormous marketing strength is finally going to radically change media distribution for books, magazines, newspapers and movies. It’s been a techno logical change predicted for a while, but this brilliant inv ention will do the trick. Most cinemas and regular bookshops , even in this remote neck of the woods are probably doomed, same with video rental outlets. Print newspapers which unde restimate the potential of the new technology will surely fa il. I’m thinking it might take less than five years. The int roduction of the iPad is a seminal event.

Paul. ;)

Dr Paul R. Weaver

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Mark Secker (Ba. Bus. IS/IP, ECU)
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