Hi all,

I recently found this tip hidden away in the Dropbox Wiki:


> In Mac OS X, you can set your Dropbox folder as an option in the Print/PDF
> menu. This is useful if you want to save articles/web pages to your Dropbox
> which you can then go on to view from other computers as a PDF document.
The article goes on to take you through the very simple steps involved to do
this. However, what I think is really nice about this tip is that it is not
limited just to Dropbox ­ you can use it for any folder:

I find ³print to pdf² is one of my all-time favourite features of OSX. Up to
finding this tip I nearly always tended to use just two of the items in the
drop-down menu:

* Save as PDF... 
* Save PDF to Web Receipts Folder

I really like the one-click convenience of the ³Save PDF to Web Receipts
Folder² action, but I want to limit this folder to actual online receipts,
payment advices etc. so for everything else I used the ³Save as PDF...²
action ­ this has the advantage of letting me change the pdf name and select
the destination on an item by item basis ­ which is great for items I want
to organise and file away ­ but it does add extra steps and time to the

For myself, I found there were two categories of articles/web pages that I
repeatedly saved as pdfs:

* Webpages of interest for later reading
* Recipes from, for example, <http://www.cuisine.com.au/> or

The ³Web Receipts² folder is located, by default, in the users ³Documents²
folder so I created a new ³Web to Read² folder (also in my documents folder)
and I already had a ³Recipes² folder where I was filing the recipes I
downloaded ­ I followed the steps in the article (for these folders rather
than the dropbox folder) and now have the following additional items in the
PDF dropdown menu in the print dialogue box:

* Save PDF to Web to Read Folder
* Save PDF to Recipes Folder

It¹s probably obvious but following the steps in the article would just have
added the items as ³Web to Read² and ³Recipes² in the drop down menu but,
being somewhat pedantic about these matters, I renamed the aliases as ³Save
PDF to Web to Read Folder² and ³Save PDF to Recipes Folder² for consistency
with the existing ³Save PDF to Web Receipts Folder² item.

I still use the ³Save as PDF...² action for other items but I now find the
two new one-click options really convenient and time-saving.

It¹s little feature like this that I really love about OSX!!

Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 8/5/10 7:42 PM, Neil Houghton at n...@possumology.com wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently set-up a free Dropbox account and was amazed at how easy and
> user-friendly it all was.
> A free account gives you up to 2GB of space - but you can get more with
> referrals.
> So, if anyone was thinking of opening an account, YOU can get an extra free
> 250 MB - AND get ME an extra free 250 MB :o) if you use this link to sign-up:
> <https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTY2NjA1NDM5>
> Cheers
> Neil

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