Thanks for your help on this Ronni. I followed your suggestions through, and 
after a few attempts the back up seemed to get through things and all was good.

Throwing things back to the group once again, I have a new TC related problem. 
Following relocation, I'm now on an Optus cable connection. I have an 
Optus-supplied NETGEAR CVG824G wireless cable modem to connect to the internet. 
All Macs talk wirelessly to the CVG824G just fine.

I've connected the TC to the CVG824G via ethernet cable and the WAN port on the 
TC. As far as I know, the Macs should be able to back up to it that way. I can 
see the TC via Airport Utility, a delightful green dot appears next to the TC 
image. I had an orange dot initially, however I changed 'Connection Sharing' to 
'Share a public IP address' from 'Distribute a range of IP addresses' (an 
overhang from trying to get round a single computer connection in a hotel), and 
now all seems fine. But ...

When I 'Back Up Now' the message my Mac throws up after a couple of minutes is 

"Time Machine could not complete the backup. The backup disk is not available".

Time Machine Buddy says ...

Starting standard backup
Attempting to mount network destination using URL: 
NetAuthConnectToServerSync failed with error: 64 for url: 
Backup failed with error: 19

Any clues?

Many thanks, Steven
On 30/09/2010, at 2:08 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Steven,
> Thanks for getting back with more information. From what I can gather from 
> the widget error messages, they indicate that what's on your internal HD may 
> not match the hidden "File System Event Database" that OSX keeps on each 
> disk, and TM normally uses to see what's been changed since the last backup 
> and needs to be copied. 
> Since it is "untrustable," TM must examine every directory (folder) on your 
> system, and compare it to your backups, instead. This is, of course, a 
> lengthy procedure. 
> This is usually caused by an improper shutdown, but can be the result of 
> other things, too. And once it occurs, the whole process must be repeated for 
> each unsuccessful backup attempt until one completes normally.
> If you have had a force power-off, you'll get the UUID problem and TM will do 
> a deep traversal. There's no way around that: it's the only way TM can be 
> sure that all the changes made since your last backup will be saved this 
> time. So, if at all possible, let it run.
> But Firstly:
> 1.  Exclude the Time Machine Partition from spotlight, via System Preferences 
> > Spotlight > Privacy.
> 2. In System Preferences > Energy Saver make sure you don't have selected 
> "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible".
>    Probably best to also put Computer Sleep to "Never" as well.
> Then try a Time Machine Backup and if possible try not to use the computer 
> too much while this backup is occurring.
> Don't interrupt the backup, it will take quite a long time to finish.
> If that doesn't help, note the time one of these backups starts, then use the 
> Console app (in your Applications/Utilities folder) to see if there are other 
> messages indicating a conflict with your backups.
> When it starts, click Show Log List in the toolbar, then navigate in the 
> sidebar that opens up to your system.log and select it. Navigate to the 
> Starting standard backup message, then see what follows that might indicate 
> some sort of error, failure, termination, exit, etc.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 30/09/2010, at 10:19 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>> Thanks all for the suggestions. A litte more detail...
>> Backups of my Macbook Pro (running 10.6.4) have begun failing part way 
>> through the back up process. I have a little Time Capsule backup widget 
>> which I have on Dashboard (can't recall name of the widget, but it gives a 
>> little extra narrative on what's happening during the back up process). A 
>> few days ago, when I noticed the back up process not completing, the widget 
>> gave the error as something to do with Spotlight. I no longer have the exact 
>> error message, but looking the error message up on the web led me to this 
>> page ...
>> ... which seemed to be about the problem I was having.
>> The back up error message seemed to tie in with the fact that not long 
>> before that there was a Spotlight indexing process underway at a time I had 
>> to shutdown my machine, so interrupting the indexing process may not have 
>> been helpful. The suggestion of deleting the spotlight directory seems to 
>> make sense, and a better option than erasing the Time Capsule (which may end 
>> up being necessary if I can't get Time Capsule to index Spotlight again).
>> Regards your questions Ronni ...
>>> Have you been able to backup to Time Capsule initially? 
>> Yes.
>>> Does Time Capsule appear in Disk Utility or in Finder?
>> Yes.
>>> Have you been able to 'select disk' in System Preferences > Time Machine?
>> Yes.
>>> Do Attempts to back up get "backup disk is not available" message?
>> More detail in a second.
>>> Or is your problem "Time Capsule gets stuck at "Preparing Backup…" ?
>> No.
>>> Are you using Airport Utility v5.5.1?
>> Yes.
>> As I type, a back up is 20GB through a 104GB back up. I have a 250GB hard 
>> disk with 100GB available. I don't know why the back up is so large. The 
>> widget I spoke of gave recent error details as ...
>> ---------------
>> Starting standard backup
>> Attempting to mount network destination using URL: 
>> afp://steven%20know...@time-capsule.local/Data
>> Mounted network destination using URL: 
>> afp://steven%20know...@time-capsule.local/Data
>> Disk image /Volumes/Data-1/MacBook Pro.sparsebundle mounted at: 
>> /Volumes/Time Machine Backups
>> Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb
>> Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
>> Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|new event db|
>> No pre-backup thinning needed: 118.85 GB requested (including padding), 
>> 133.81 GB available
>> Copied 19.6 GB of 96.5 GB, 73391 of 183430 items
>> Stopping backup.
>> Error: (-43) SrcErr:NO Copying 
>> /users/steven/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/NML2NDeviceObserver_2010-09-29-193147_MacBook-Pro-2.crash
>>  to /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/MacBook Pro 
>> (2)/2010-09-28-085307.inProgress/*******-****-****-****-************/Macintosh
>>  HD/Users/steven/Library/Logs/CrashReporter
>> Copied 88263 files (19.9 GB) from volume Macintosh HD.
>> Copy stage failed with error:11
>> Backup failed with error: 11
>> Ejected Time Machine disk image.
>> Ejected Time Machine network volume.
>> ---------------
>> Those asterisks I've manually included, overtyping a code I thought may be 
>> private.
>> That backup underway has just failed, with error message in widget showing 
>> ....
>> ---------------
>> Starting standard backup
>> Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Data-1
>> Disk image /Volumes/Data-1/MacBook Pro.sparsebundle mounted at: 
>> /Volumes/Time Machine Backups
>> Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb
>> Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
>> Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|new event db|
>> ---------------
>> I've tried the suggestions re identifying the path, still no success on that 
>> note. Happy to hear other suggestions for a fix, but ultimately I guess I 
>> may have to wipe Time Capsule.
>> Cheers, Steven
>> On 30/09/2010, at 5:21 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> On 30/09/2010, at 8:19 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:
>>>> On 30/09/2010, at 1:08 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>>>>> My Macbook Pro isn't backing up to Time Capsule. 
>>>>> From this page ....
>>>>> ... Glenn Carter refers to the following string for Terminal ...
>>>>> sudo rm -ri /path_to_volume/.Spotlight-V100
>>>>> where /path_to_volume is the path of the volume in question.
>>>>> To replace 'path_to_volume' I've tried ....
>>>>> Volumes/Time Machine Backups
>>>>> Volumes/Data
>>>>> Volumes/Data/afp://Time Capsule._afpovertcp._tcp.local/Data/MacBook 
>>>>> Pro.sparsebundle
>>>>> ...but all give me "No such file or directory".
>>>>> Can anyone please suggest what I should be using as the Terminal command?
>>>>> Cheers, Steven
>>>> This is extremely difficult to answer without having direct access to your 
>>>> system. One way of sorting out the "/path_to_volume" is to open a Terminal 
>>>> window, then type "cd " at the prompt (note: include the space character 
>>>> after cd) then drag the icon of your Time Capsule disk onto the Terminal 
>>>> Window, and press return. If you then type "pwd" you will see the correct 
>>>> path to the Time Capsule device.
>>>> The command you supply is puzzling. It literally says "recursively remove 
>>>> all files with the name '.Spotlight-V100' from the volume in question, and 
>>>> ask me each time before deleting". I'm not sure how this will help.  
>>> Hi Steven,
>>> I agree with Peter, I fail to see this command helping.  We need some more 
>>> information to be able to give any constructive assistance.
>>> Have you been able to backup to Time Capsule initially? 
>>> Does Time Capsule appear in Disk Utility or in Finder?
>>> Have you been able to 'select disk' in System Preferences > Time Machine?
>>> Do Attempts to back up get "backup disk is not available" message?
>>> Or is your problem "Time Capsule gets stuck at "Preparing Backup…" ?
>>> Are you using Airport Utility v5.5.1?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> 17" MacBook Pro  Intel Core i7
>>> 2.66GHz / 4GB / 1067 MHz DDR3 / 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200rpm
>>> OS X 10.6.3 Snow Leopard
>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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