Thanks Ronni. Ahead of your email I ended up connecting my MBP directly to the 
TC (via ethernet) and continued to get partial backups followed by varying 
error messages. I connected an iMac directly to the TC as well, same problem. 
Even took the TC to a service shop, because a search of the internet indicated 
the problem could be the software not communicating with the hard disk, but the 
service shop couldn't see a problem. The TC was reset, tried backing up, more 
error messages.

My latest move has been to erase the TC hard disk completely, and as I type 
it's 50% through a full back up, which is the most it's got to. A shame because 
I've lost all historical backups, but I was out of options. The web is full of 
reports about unresolved TC problems, TCs working fine then suddenly not, 
seemingly since the introduction of 10.5.

Cheers, Steven

On 16/10/2010, at 10:57 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hello Steven,
> I'm having an enforced Medical Break from WAMUG, but have given you a 
> suggestion below.
> On 13/10/2010, at 8:44 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>> Thanks for your help on this Ronni. I followed your suggestions through, and 
>> after a few attempts the back up seemed to get through things and all was 
>> good.
>> Throwing things back to the group once again, I have a new TC related 
>> problem. Following relocation, I'm now on an Optus cable connection. I have 
>> an Optus-supplied NETGEAR CVG824G wireless cable modem to connect to the 
>> internet. All Macs talk wirelessly to the CVG824G just fine.
>> I've connected the TC to the CVG824G via ethernet cable and the WAN port on 
>> the TC. As far as I know, the Macs should be able to back up to it that way. 
>> I can see the TC via Airport Utility, a delightful green dot appears next to 
>> the TC image. I had an orange dot initially, however I changed 'Connection 
>> Sharing' to 'Share a public IP address' from 'Distribute a range of IP 
>> addresses' (an overhang from trying to get round a single computer 
>> connection in a hotel), and now all seems fine. But …
> In Airport Utility under 'Internet' - Internet Connection - Connect Using: 
> Ethernet & Connection Sharing: OFF (Bridge Mode).
> Cheers,
> Ronni
>> When I 'Back Up Now' the message my Mac throws up after a couple of minutes 
>> is ...
>> "Time Machine could not complete the backup. The backup disk is not 
>> available".
>> Time Machine Buddy says ...
>> -------------------------------
>> Starting standard backup
>> Attempting to mount network destination using URL: 
>> afp://myfirstname%mylastn...@time-capsule.local/Data
>> NetAuthConnectToServerSync failed with error: 64 for url: 
>> afp://myfirstname%20mylastn...@time-capsule.local/Data
>> Backup failed with error: 19
>> -------------------------------
>> Any clues?
>> Many thanks, Steven
>> On 30/09/2010, at 2:08 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Steven,
>>> Thanks for getting back with more information. From what I can gather from 
>>> the widget error messages, they indicate that what's on your internal HD 
>>> may not match the hidden "File System Event Database" that OSX keeps on 
>>> each disk, and TM normally uses to see what's been changed since the last 
>>> backup and needs to be copied. 
>>> Since it is "untrustable," TM must examine every directory (folder) on your 
>>> system, and compare it to your backups, instead. This is, of course, a 
>>> lengthy procedure. 
>>> This is usually caused by an improper shutdown, but can be the result of 
>>> other things, too. And once it occurs, the whole process must be repeated 
>>> for each unsuccessful backup attempt until one completes normally.
>>> If you have had a force power-off, you'll get the UUID problem and TM will 
>>> do a deep traversal. There's no way around that: it's the only way TM can 
>>> be sure that all the changes made since your last backup will be saved this 
>>> time. So, if at all possible, let it run.
>>> But Firstly:
>>> 1.  Exclude the Time Machine Partition from spotlight, via System 
>>> Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy.
>>> 2. In System Preferences > Energy Saver make sure you don't have selected 
>>> "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible".
>>>    Probably best to also put Computer Sleep to "Never" as well.
>>> Then try a Time Machine Backup and if possible try not to use the computer 
>>> too much while this backup is occurring.
>>> Don't interrupt the backup, it will take quite a long time to finish.
>>> If that doesn't help, note the time one of these backups starts, then use 
>>> the Console app (in your Applications/Utilities folder) to see if there are 
>>> other messages indicating a conflict with your backups.
>>> When it starts, click Show Log List in the toolbar, then navigate in the 
>>> sidebar that opens up to your system.log and select it. Navigate to the 
>>> Starting standard backup message, then see what follows that might indicate 
>>> some sort of error, failure, termination, exit, etc.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 30/09/2010, at 10:19 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>>>> Thanks all for the suggestions. A litte more detail...
>>>> Backups of my Macbook Pro (running 10.6.4) have begun failing part way 
>>>> through the back up process. I have a little Time Capsule backup widget 
>>>> which I have on Dashboard (can't recall name of the widget, but it gives a 
>>>> little extra narrative on what's happening during the back up process). A 
>>>> few days ago, when I noticed the back up process not completing, the 
>>>> widget gave the error as something to do with Spotlight. I no longer have 
>>>> the exact error message, but looking the error message up on the web led 
>>>> me to this page ...
>>>> ... which seemed to be about the problem I was having.
>>>> The back up error message seemed to tie in with the fact that not long 
>>>> before that there was a Spotlight indexing process underway at a time I 
>>>> had to shutdown my machine, so interrupting the indexing process may not 
>>>> have been helpful. The suggestion of deleting the spotlight directory 
>>>> seems to make sense, and a better option than erasing the Time Capsule 
>>>> (which may end up being necessary if I can't get Time Capsule to index 
>>>> Spotlight again).
>>>> Regards your questions Ronni ...
>>>>> Have you been able to backup to Time Capsule initially? 
>>>> Yes.
>>>>> Does Time Capsule appear in Disk Utility or in Finder?
>>>> Yes.
>>>>> Have you been able to 'select disk' in System Preferences > Time Machine?
>>>> Yes.
>>>>> Do Attempts to back up get "backup disk is not available" message?
>>>> More detail in a second.
>>>>> Or is your problem "Time Capsule gets stuck at "Preparing Backup…" ?
>>>> No.
>>>>> Are you using Airport Utility v5.5.1?
>>>> Yes.
>>>> As I type, a back up is 20GB through a 104GB back up. I have a 250GB hard 
>>>> disk with 100GB available. I don't know why the back up is so large. The 
>>>> widget I spoke of gave recent error details as ...
>>>> ---------------
>>>> Starting standard backup
>>>> Attempting to mount network destination using URL: 
>>>> afp://steven%20know...@time-capsule.local/Data
>>>> Mounted network destination using URL: 
>>>> afp://steven%20know...@time-capsule.local/Data
>>>> Disk image /Volumes/Data-1/MacBook Pro.sparsebundle mounted at: 
>>>> /Volumes/Time Machine Backups
>>>> Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb
>>>> Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
>>>> Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|new event db|
>>>> No pre-backup thinning needed: 118.85 GB requested (including padding), 
>>>> 133.81 GB available
>>>> Copied 19.6 GB of 96.5 GB, 73391 of 183430 items
>>>> Stopping backup.
>>>> Error: (-43) SrcErr:NO Copying 
>>>> /users/steven/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/NML2NDeviceObserver_2010-09-29-193147_MacBook-Pro-2.crash
>>>>  to /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/MacBook Pro 
>>>> (2)/2010-09-28-085307.inProgress/*******-****-****-****-************/Macintosh
>>>>  HD/Users/steven/Library/Logs/CrashReporter
>>>> Copied 88263 files (19.9 GB) from volume Macintosh HD.
>>>> Copy stage failed with error:11
>>>> Backup failed with error: 11
>>>> Ejected Time Machine disk image.
>>>> Ejected Time Machine network volume.
>>>> ---------------
>>>> Those asterisks I've manually included, overtyping a code I thought may be 
>>>> private.
>>>> That backup underway has just failed, with error message in widget showing 
>>>> ....
>>>> ---------------
>>>> Starting standard backup
>>>> Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Data-1
>>>> Disk image /Volumes/Data-1/MacBook Pro.sparsebundle mounted at: 
>>>> /Volumes/Time Machine Backups
>>>> Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb
>>>> Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
>>>> Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:must scan subdirs|new event db|
>>>> ---------------
>>>> I've tried the suggestions re identifying the path, still no success on 
>>>> that note. Happy to hear other suggestions for a fix, but ultimately I 
>>>> guess I may have to wipe Time Capsule.
>>>> Cheers, Steven
>>>> On 30/09/2010, at 5:21 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>> On 30/09/2010, at 8:19 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:
>>>>>> On 30/09/2010, at 1:08 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>>>>>>> My Macbook Pro isn't backing up to Time Capsule. 
>>>>>>> From this page ....
>>>>>>> ... Glenn Carter refers to the following string for Terminal ...
>>>>>>> sudo rm -ri /path_to_volume/.Spotlight-V100
>>>>>>> where /path_to_volume is the path of the volume in question.
>>>>>>> To replace 'path_to_volume' I've tried ....
>>>>>>> Volumes/Time Machine Backups
>>>>>>> Volumes/Data
>>>>>>> Volumes/Data/afp://Time Capsule._afpovertcp._tcp.local/Data/MacBook 
>>>>>>> Pro.sparsebundle
>>>>>>> ...but all give me "No such file or directory".
>>>>>>> Can anyone please suggest what I should be using as the Terminal 
>>>>>>> command?
>>>>>>> Cheers, Steven
>>>>>> This is extremely difficult to answer without having direct access to 
>>>>>> your system. One way of sorting out the "/path_to_volume" is to open a 
>>>>>> Terminal window, then type "cd " at the prompt (note: include the space 
>>>>>> character after cd) then drag the icon of your Time Capsule disk onto 
>>>>>> the Terminal Window, and press return. If you then type "pwd" you will 
>>>>>> see the correct path to the Time Capsule device.
>>>>>> The command you supply is puzzling. It literally says "recursively 
>>>>>> remove all files with the name '.Spotlight-V100' from the volume in 
>>>>>> question, and ask me each time before deleting". I'm not sure how this 
>>>>>> will help.  
>>>>> Hi Steven,
>>>>> I agree with Peter, I fail to see this command helping.  We need some 
>>>>> more information to be able to give any constructive assistance.
>>>>> Have you been able to backup to Time Capsule initially? 
>>>>> Does Time Capsule appear in Disk Utility or in Finder?
>>>>> Have you been able to 'select disk' in System Preferences > Time Machine?
>>>>> Do Attempts to back up get "backup disk is not available" message?
>>>>> Or is your problem "Time Capsule gets stuck at "Preparing Backup…" ?
>>>>> Are you using Airport Utility v5.5.1?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> 17" MacBook Pro  Intel Core i7
>>>>> 2.66GHz / 4GB / 1067 MHz DDR3 / 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200rpm
>>>>> OS X 10.6.3 Snow Leopard
>>>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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