Yes, I have to agree.

I have used OpenDNS for quite some time now ­ started when there was a DNS
security scare some time ago ­ the scare soon came & went as the ISPs got on
top of it but I left it set up with open DNS anyway. It occasionally refuses
to load some sites which are on some phishing/scam type blacklists and
offers some tools when sites refuse to load.

OpenDNS has been mentioned several times on this list ­ in fact, I think
that is how I first learned of it.

Anyway, the point is, it has been offering various quite legitimate
services/feature for quite some time and I am a happy user.

So now we have the filter, it is apparently trivial to bypass it by using a
service like Open DNS. This fact ha been publicised by opponents/critics of
the filter.

So now we get articles like this on SMH:

> An internet filter designed to block access to child pornography, which is
> being imposed on Optus and Telstra customers, is "trivial" to bypass, say
> civil libertarians.
And then

> It was a "pretty big decision to take" if a person who really wanted to access
> child pornography circumvented a filter, he said.
> "You can bypass these [filters] just as you can hotwire a car to steal it or
> force entry into a home," he said. "But at that point you're departing from
> the normal social behaviours and entering the criminal world. I just wonder
> what the point of that exercise would be."

So, apparently, by using OpenDNS (as I have been doing for several years) I
am "hot-wiring" the internet and departing from the normal social behaviours
and entering the criminal world - and I would only be doing that to to
access child pornography or for some other nefarious purpose!!!

I find it particularly disturbing that the above quote, by the way, is
attributed to Spokesman for the Internet Industry Association (IIA), Peter

So I have to agree with Paul. I think that is a technology issue that
concerns us all as internet users, regardless of your personal political

Unfortunately, whilst the technology issue itself crosses the political
divide, when you start seeing quotes like thee one above, you can be sure
that politic isn't far away :o(

Just my apolitical 2c worth.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 6/7/11 9:16 AM, Paul K at wrote:

> Hi,
> Political opinions when they relate to information technology issues too?
> Cheers
> Paul

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