On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 4:09 PM, cm <cm200...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> While I am not in favour censoring, we as yet have no indication at all
> that Telstra will do anything other than block child porn sites -- which to
> me isn't a bad thing. The worst case scenario is that some corrupt official
> manages to gain control of this process and by some as yet unexplained
> process turns this to his / her advantage by blocking sites that contain
> negative comments about them. If they are in the news they would have to
> block many of the major news sites as well such as the ABC.
> I think it may be reaching somewhat to suggest that there is political
> censoring unless you are referring to the blocking of porn sites.
> Cheers,
> Carlo

Hi Carlo,

As I read it, the general fear in many cases like this is that when given an
inch people take a mile.
Folk are concerned that later on it's scope could be broadened to other
areas deemed unsavory by the regulators.
One of history's lessons already learned by now I would have thought. No
thanks little brother.
I don't know how to stop child porn but I doubt if this does the job.


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