I certainly think that censorship of the internet is a completely relevant 
topic.  Censorship might of been in place for generations on books, films and 
songs but it hasn't been in place (for most countries, including Australia) at 
all yet for the internet and should it be implemented it's certainly not going 
to be fair with a transparent and publicly accessible list for people to make 
their own evaluations.


> Hi all,
> I personally would like to see a more measured level of discussion on the 
> WAMUG site. It would be unfortunate if a persons who visits the site looking 
> for technical knowledge is driven away by fear of a heated political debate. 
> There are many other places on the internet where we can get our fill of 
> that. Censorship has be in place on books, films, and songs for generations 
> in most modern democracies, and providing there is a publicly accessible, 
> transparent list of what has been censored there will always be groups 
> fighting vigorously to have the censorship dropped.
> Cheers,
> Carlo
> On 2011-07-08, at 10:00, Matthew Healey wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> Don't confuse filtering with censoring. I can choose not to use SPAM filters 
>> or Virus Scanners. That's the difference.
>> As Ronni mentioned, the problem is that once the infrastructure is in place 
>> to block web sites at will, then those in power will use that ability to 
>> their advantage. These sorts of things are ALWAYS pushed though with some 
>> sort of boogie-man, be it communism, terrorism, national security or "Won't 
>> someone please think of the children!!". It's just a convenient scapegoat.
>> - Matt
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