Hi Matthew,

I would hate to burst your bubble, but if you are connecting via PPoE, you 
connection is being NAT'd, monitored and filtered.

This is in response to peoples lack of understanding of how networks function, 
do you think ISP's will give people access without some form of control.
Just plugging a router, ADSL Modem into any PPoE connection and watch the 
amount of traffic attempting access.
What and whom do you think is stopping most of it getting into your system. If 
you do not see any then it definitely is being controlled.

I am totally surprised everyday the amount of routers which are connected 
without some form of firewall in place.
This is business and private usage, and yes a firewall is not the only answer. 
But, it is a start.


On 08Jul2011 at 10:00 am, Matthew Healey wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> Don't confuse filtering with censoring. I can choose not to use SPAM filters 
> or Virus Scanners. That's the difference.
> As Ronni mentioned, the problem is that once the infrastructure is in place 
> to block web sites at will, then those in power will use that ability to 
> their advantage. These sorts of things are ALWAYS pushed though with some 
> sort of boogie-man, be it communism, terrorism, national security or "Won't 
> someone please think of the children!!". It's just a convenient scapegoat.
> - Matt
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