That depends entirely on what sort of internet connection I buy. Sure if I use 
one of those 3G wireless sticks then yes, my connection is being NAT'd.
If I buy a business internet account then I can get a nice little /16 with a 
fully routed connection.
If I buy a fibre connection from Amcom they give me a glass pair and ask me 
what I want to plug it in to.

In all three scenarios I have a choice.

What's next… making VPN's and encryption illegal?

On 08/07/2011, at 7:52 PM, Rob Davies wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> I would hate to burst your bubble, but if you are connecting via PPoE, you 
> connection is being NAT'd, monitored and filtered.
> This is in response to peoples lack of understanding of how networks 
> function, do you think ISP's will give people access without some form of 
> control.
> Just plugging a router, ADSL Modem into any PPoE connection and watch the 
> amount of traffic attempting access.
> What and whom do you think is stopping most of it getting into your system. 
> If you do not see any then it definitely is being controlled.
> I am totally surprised everyday the amount of routers which are connected 
> without some form of firewall in place.
> This is business and private usage, and yes a firewall is not the only 
> answer. But, it is a start.
> Cheers!
> `RobD...
> On 08Jul2011 at 10:00 am, Matthew Healey wrote:
> ,
>> Hi Rob,
>> Don't confuse filtering with censoring. I can choose not to use SPAM filters 
>> or Virus Scanners. That's the difference.
>> As Ronni mentioned, the problem is that once the infrastructure is in place 
>> to block web sites at will, then those in power will use that ability to 
>> their advantage. These sorts of things are ALWAYS pushed though with some 
>> sort of boogie-man, be it communism, terrorism, national security or "Won't 
>> someone please think of the children!!". It's just a convenient scapegoat.
>> - Matt
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