Hi Rob,

Perhaps I'm not understanding your problem correctly.
The iPad version of the Dropbox mobile app allows you to upload any videos or 
photos synced to your gallery.

1. Open the Dropbox App, link to account etc.
2. Click the Box icon on the left hand side, a pop up opens
3. Click the uploads tab at the bottom, which is immediately next to the 
4. Click the "+" at the top of the uploads section
    The app still asks for permission to access your locations, (because photos 
can contain location data)
5. Tap the photos and videos you want to send to Dropbox from the resulting 
photo gallery.
6. Once done select 'Upload'


On 17/09/2012, at 10:18 PM, Rob Phillips <r.phill...@murdoch.edu.au> wrote:

> G'day Mart and others,
> This may be a bit heretical, but I have concerns how Apple is locking 
> things down to its commercial benefit.
> Let me give you a concrete example. I've just returned from a month 
> hiking through Switzerland. (If you have the interest, check out 
> http://www.everlater.com/raphillips1).
> To prepare for this, I bought an iPad to: use to display Swiss 
> topographical maps and record our track by GPS; to maintain a trip blog; 
> to store and process Rita's photos; and do general web surfing.
> The iPad was great except for one element. Photo management.  I was able 
> to purchase an adaptor to download photos from the camera to the iPad. I 
> had 15GB of DropBox space to backup the photos to the cloud. Everything 
> was sweet.
> Then I downloaded the first lot of photos, and I could see them on the 
> iPad, but they weren't in the 'camera roll'. Only items in the camera 
> roll can be synched to DropBox and Mobile me. By default, only photos 
> taken with the iPad camera go in the camera roll.  The only way to get 
> access to these photos seems to be to connect the iPad to a Mac 
> registered to me, then upload/ download the photos to that machine.  I 
> didn't have one of these with me!
> Why does Apple restrict the functionality of powerful devices like the 
> iPad so that it can only be used in ways that Apple determines, and 
> which require other hardware.  The underlying OS should enable me to do 
> much more.
> I spent hours at nights trying to find apps to work around this, without 
> much success. It shouldn't be so difficult.
> I am concerned that I am being manipulated by Apple.
> Cheers
> Rob

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