Hi Ronni

I don't have the iPad here - it's still with the boss in Switzerland...

Your description of Dropbox is as I remember it, with one exception.

I don't remember seeing the + at the top of the uploads section. I could 
only see the contents of my camera roll, not the other events/albums 
(e.g. Last Imported) which I could see in the Photo App.

I was able to use the iResize App to access hi-res photos in Last 
Imported, and this inserted the compressed images into the Camera Roll, 
where Dropbox could see them and synch them, but I really wanted a 
backup of my originals.


On 18/09/12 9:45 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> Perhaps I'm not understanding your problem correctly.
> The iPad version of the Dropbox mobile app allows you to upload any videos or 
> photos synced to your gallery.
> 1. Open the Dropbox App, link to account etc.
> 2. Click the Box icon on the left hand side, a pop up opens
> 3. Click the uploads tab at the bottom, which is immediately next to the 
> settings
> 4. Click the "+" at the top of the uploads section
>      The app still asks for permission to access your locations, (because 
> photos can contain location data)
> 5. Tap the photos and videos you want to send to Dropbox from the resulting 
> photo gallery.
> 6. Once done select 'Upload'
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 17/09/2012, at 10:18 PM, Rob Phillips <r.phill...@murdoch.edu.au> wrote:
>> G'day Mart and others,
>> This may be a bit heretical, but I have concerns how Apple is locking
>> things down to its commercial benefit.
>> Let me give you a concrete example. I've just returned from a month
>> hiking through Switzerland. (If you have the interest, check out
>> http://www.everlater.com/raphillips1).
>> To prepare for this, I bought an iPad to: use to display Swiss
>> topographical maps and record our track by GPS; to maintain a trip blog;
>> to store and process Rita's photos; and do general web surfing.
>> The iPad was great except for one element. Photo management.  I was able
>> to purchase an adaptor to download photos from the camera to the iPad. I
>> had 15GB of DropBox space to backup the photos to the cloud. Everything
>> was sweet.
>> Then I downloaded the first lot of photos, and I could see them on the
>> iPad, but they weren't in the 'camera roll'. Only items in the camera
>> roll can be synched to DropBox and Mobile me. By default, only photos
>> taken with the iPad camera go in the camera roll.  The only way to get
>> access to these photos seems to be to connect the iPad to a Mac
>> registered to me, then upload/ download the photos to that machine.  I
>> didn't have one of these with me!
>> Why does Apple restrict the functionality of powerful devices like the
>> iPad so that it can only be used in ways that Apple determines, and
>> which require other hardware.  The underlying OS should enable me to do
>> much more.
>> I spent hours at nights trying to find apps to work around this, without
>> much success. It shouldn't be so difficult.
>> I am concerned that I am being manipulated by Apple.
>> Cheers
>> Rob
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