Hi Peta,

> There was a little problem and I was required to feed in a new ID and a new 
> Password.

You should not have been asked to create a new Apple ID & new Password?
When you signed up for "iTunes Match" you would have used your Apple ID & 
Password, this is the ID & password you would use to sign in.

ITunes Match has to upload to the iCloud servers so the music tracks can be 
streamed to all your devices, so it will take quite some time to do so.

One handy tip for troubleshooting iTunes Match is to make use of the iCloud 
Status column in iTunes. This is OFF by default, but you can turn it ON  by 
selecting View, View Options and enabling it from there.

This will provide you with a better indication as to the status of the tracks 
that you're trying to upload to iTunes Match, and you can in fact sort on the 
column in order to group tracks by status. Ideally, everything should be 
Purchased, Matched or Uploaded, but it sounds like you might see a few that 
show Error or Ineligible. 

Let me know what that window indicates please.

Sent from Ronni's iPad4

On 10/01/2013, at 1:34 PM, peta belczowski <petabelczow...@me.com> wrote:

> Hullo Ronni
> Thank you for your reply.
> I have tried to work my way through your points 1-7.
> My screen commies up a little differently; however the Cloud emblem did 
> appear and I signed out and signed in again.
> There was a little problem and I was required to feed in a new ID and a new 
> Password.
> I did this and then signed out and in again.  The cloud appeared again - next 
> to my "music" - however there was nowhere that I actually could see to : 
>    7. Select iCloud and Link Computer,
> as suggested by you.
> I followed your steps again, but could not manage to take myself to a screen 
> exactly as you described.
> I have turned my iPad off and on a few times; however the same 7 songs are 
> still "ghosted" and will not play (although they do play on my big Mac).
> Quite possibly I have missed something very basic!
> I will turn everything completely off for a while now and see if that helps - 
> sometimes strangely enough it does.
> I will let you know later if there is any result!
> Thank you,
> Peta
>> Hi Peta,
>> Are you using iTunes Match?
>> If you see the cloud icon next to "Music," then iTunes Match has been abled.
>> Try signing out your Apple ID and sign in again.
>> 1. Go to the iTunes store in iTunes
>> 2. Select your Apple ID in top right
>> 3. When the popup opens, don't put in Password, just Sign Out
>> 4. Go to the top right again in iTunes Store and it should say Sign In 
>> (where your ID was before)
>> 5. Select Sign In and Sign In on the popup
>> 6. On the left hand side you should see iCloud
>> 7. Select iCloud and Link Computer
>> When this is complete, your music should be available for streaming again
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>> On 10/01/2013, at 8:55 AM, peta belczowski <petabelczow...@me.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you Peter for your prompt reply.
>>> No, I have not touched rebuilding the iTunes Library (I have to confess I 
>>> consider this nearly a technical step, and I am always concerned that I may 
>>> mess something up badly.  The problem only affects that batch of about 7 
>>> songs though, so maybe there is a really simple way of "correcting" 
>>> whatever has caused this hiccough?
>>> Peta
>>> On 10/01/2013, at 8:28 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:
>>>> On 10/01/2013, at 7:42 AM, peta belczowski <petabelczow...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>> Good morning
>>>>> I hope everyone is off to a good start for the New Year.
>>>>> I have a strange problem with my purchased music.  This has been 
>>>>> happening for about two months or so; not serious so I have not bothered 
>>>>> about it particularly.
>>>>> At various times I purchase some music, and also some books, from iTunes. 
>>>>>  Sometimes, several songs in one hit, usually individual, and often quite 
>>>>> varied in style and "age".
>>>>> Mostly they appear in the normal way on my Mac, and also happily transfer 
>>>>> themselves to my iPad, (and some of them send themselves off to my 
>>>>> iPhone).
>>>>> However there is one batch of music that appears in my Purchased list 
>>>>> that is  "ghosted out" - on my Mac and my iPad.
>>>>> (Some of these songs do appear on my iPhone and others do not appear at 
>>>>> all-rather strange but not mattering to me as I do not actually have my 
>>>>> music set up to automatically appear on my iPhone.  If I do want them I 
>>>>> will do a separate sync from the big Mac at some time - it is just 
>>>>> strange that some newly purchased songs appear on the phone whilst others 
>>>>> do not).
>>>>> Is there any reason why about 6 individual purchases are ghosted - after 
>>>>> that batch of songs, others purchased at later dates appear as normal and 
>>>>> transfer as usual to the iPad.
>>>>> Yes, just purchased in the usual way, I did not do anything different.
>>>>> Hoping that someone has an answer!
>>>>> Many thanks in anticipation for any assistance,
>>>>> Peta
>>>> Have you tried rebuilding your iTunes library? 
>>>> (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1451?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US). 
>>>> I'm not sure if it will fix the problem, but it's a starting point. 
>>>> Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
>>>> FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
>>>> Perth, Western Australia
>>>> Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.
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