Hi, I have three iMacs (one is a recent second hand one - 2013 HD) and I am 
trying to transfer documents from one to the other. All show up as “Shared” on 
the side bar of the finder window.

With the two older iMacs when I click on the 2013 HD icon in Shared the window 
in the next column opens and states the HD name and “Connection Failed” and I 
have the option Connect As and Share Screen. When I try Connect As and try to 
connect as the Registered User using the Name and Password, it reverts to the 
previous screen, with the Connection Failed. 

(The two older iMacs connect to each other.)

If I go to the 2013 HD finder window and click on either of the other two HD’s 
they connect straight away and I am able to transfer files to the respective 

I have also have a problem with the new 2013 HD, which was posted last week, 
with hindsight this may be associated to this problem and that is that when I 
try to save files to one of the other iMacs I get a message “The document 
“xxxxx.pdf” could not be exported as “ xxxxxxx.pdf” as You don’t have 
Permission. To view or change permissions select the item in the Finder and 
choose File > Get Info. Which needless to say doesn’t work.

So it seems as if for whatever reason the other two are communicating inwards 
with the 2013 HD but something is stopping it from being able to connect 

I would be grateful if anyone has any ideas or solutions to share.



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