Hi Daniel,


Thanks for that info - that is all interesting & good to know.


Things may well be different in later operating systems - I think that the last 
time I had these problems was when I (finally) decided to move from OSX 10.6 
Snow leopard (my all-time favourite) to OSX 11 El Capitan (the last system that 
is compatible with most of my computers). I had also just rebuilt my main iMac 
(late 2009) with an SSD and new 3TB HD and took the RAM up to 24GB and decided 
to get rid of over decade of built up detritus by going with a clean install of 
El Capitan ( I keep a bootable clone of the old Snow Leopard installation on a 
separate partition on the internal HD but don't need to access it very often).


So, I was not using the normal "migration Assistant" route between computers 
and I was not "sharing" over the network. I was basically setting up from 
scratch but pulling user info either between computers using target disk mode 
or from HDs with clones of the old setup. From memory, my problem happened when 
I setup one of the computers without first creating the admin account. I 
remembered having similar issues in the (further) past so I just backed out and 
created the user accounts as for the other computer(s) and that solved the 


I am not surprised that, in the scenario you mentioned, it all worked fine - as 
I said before:

" Each computer setup works fine on its own and, when sharing, you login using 
the correct details for the relevant account - so you can get access to the 
account with the same user name/password but different User ID. Then if you 
want to copy a document to your computer it will be given the correct 
permissions with you as owner. "


If I understand it correctly you are logged into your laptop as UserID 501 but 
accessing the iMac as UserID 502 - but when you copy the files over it will 
change the file owner from 502 to 501 and, thereafter, they are "your" files on 
the laptop - no problem.


As I say, I do not remember the exact circumstances when I have encountered 
these problems but it resulted in me not being able to see or have access to my 
own user data because the system thought it belonged to another user. When I 
read Matt's original email, my first thought was that his issues were connected 
with user permissions - so I suggested he check UserIDs and this confirmed that 
his problem iMac does, in fact, have a different UserID from the other two for 
what he considers to be the same account. Exactly WHY this is giving him the 
problems is hard to know without knowing the exact steps Matt went through when 
setting up the new iMac.



I have just re-read Matt's original email and it seems to me there are two 
separate (but possibly related) problems:

The sharing problem: 
The 2 older iMacs can connect to each other and the new iMac can connect to 
each of the older iMac – which suggest that sharing is setup correctly on the 
older iMacs.
Neither of the older iMacs can connect to the newer iMac – which suggests that 
the sharing setup on the newer iMac requires re-configuration
The permissions problem:
The older iMac can connect to the newer iMacs and, presumably can access and 
copy files from them. However it cannot “save” files to them.
I think this is because the newer iMacs see user 501 as being connected to them 
but the files/folders being accessed belong to user 502.
These files/folders will presumably have the default “read only” privileges for 
other users - only 502 can “write” to them even though 501 has sharing access 
to view them.
If the account on the new iMac had UserID 502 (as on the older iMacs) it would 
have “Read & Write” privileges on the relevant folders and so saving files to 
them would not be a problem

Of course, without actual knowledge of the exact circumstances/details of 
Matt’s setup the above can only be speculation on my part.





Anyway, good to keep the aging brain exercised  ;o)









On 18/05/20, 21:14, "Daniel Kerr" 
<wamug.org.au-wamug-boun...@lists.wamug.org.au on behalf of 
wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:


    Hi Neil / Matt


    I think sometimes it can be “OS” related as well, as each OS works 
differently sometimes.

    For myself, I can’t say I’ve come across this issue…..and in fact I just 
tested it now.


    My laptop is UserID 501. Running 10.14.6 Mojave

    On my wife’s iMac, I just created a new account for me (same username and 
password), and it has UserID502. It’s running 10.12.6 (Sierra).


    I just shared in to “my” home folder from my laptop. Form Finder it loaded 
fine, and when I copied and moved folders and files from my laptop to the iMac, 
and via versa as well (from iMac back onto my laptop Desktop and into other 
folders). All the files and folders copied correctly with no permissions 
errors. Everything opened correctly and didn’t say anything about owner 
permissions issues.

    (Even though the iMac thinks I’m 502 and my laptop is 501)…..


    But yes,…I think it previously could have some issues.

    Some of also can be Apple is (or did) move away from AFP file sharing. They 
then went to SMB1 sharing,…to be more “Windows friendly” and then recently (I 
think) if I remember correctly they went to SMB2 as it’s more secure. So by 
default sometimes these different protocols don’t always play well together.

    (I might have my terminology slightly off, but from memory it’s something 
like that. On another system I had to run a Terminal Command to re-acticate 
“SMB1” to file share with an older windows computer for a client).


    Sometimes if the “shortname” is different, it can cause some network file 
sharing issues, but that’s where adding in aliases works for that. But 
generally as long as the shortname is the same (and password), I’ve found they 
share fine,…even with different UserID numbers. Either that or I’ve just been 
lucky enough to always get it working,…lol.


    Sharing is always an “interesting” thing to work through sometimes. 
Different factors, different OS’es,…..always something :)


    Hope all this info helps Matt and you can get it working.

    Kind regards




    Daniel Kerr



    Phone: 0414 795 960

    Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>

    Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>



    **For everything Apple**


    NOTE: Any information provided in this email may be my personal opinion and 
as such should be taken accordingly, and may not be the views of MacWizardry. 
Any information provided does not offer or warrant any form of warranty or 
accept liability. It would be appreciated that if any information in this email 
is to be disseminated, distributed or copied, that permission by the author be 


    > On 18 May 2020, at 7:46 pm, Neil Houghton <n...@possumology.com> wrote:


    > Hi Daniel, Hi Matt,


    > I guess it all boils down to just what you are trying to achieve and how 
you want to setup the new iMac and use it with  the 2 older iMacs.


    > As Daniel says, and as I previously mentioned,  you can certainly setup 
file sharing to work between different computers, different user accounts etc. 
I frequently use file sharing between my account on one computer and Georgie's 
account on another computer.


    > But I have also encountered lots of problems when using different 
computers where I (inadvertently) ended up with MY account having the same 
login details but different User IDs on different computers - which is Matt's  
current situation.


    > It is a while since I was doing all this - so I don't remember exact 
details/problems - but I think the basic problem boils down to that when the 
Mac looks at ownership and permissions for a file/folder it considers each User 
ID as a separate user - so if I set up the same two user accounts on two 
different computers, say Admin & User, but do it in a different order on each 
then I end up with the situation where User ID 501 is Admin on one computer and 
User on the other computer - and vice-versa.


    > When things go wrong you can end up with Admin seeing & owning his own 
stuff on one computer but User's stuff on material that has come from the other 
computer - and vice-versa - and not being able to see/access stuff that he 
thinks belongs to him but now doesn't (I haven't really explained that too 
well, but it is a real pain when it happens)


    > Each computer setup works fine on its own and, when sharing, you login 
using the correct details for the relevant account - so you can get access to 
the account with the same user name/password but different User ID. Then if you 
want to copy a document to your computer it will be given the correct 
permissions with you as owner.


    > I don't really remember but I think the problems  I had may have been 
either when I had a computer die and I was moving stuff from a clone to the new 
computer or when I had one computer in target mode and tried to move stuff. Not 
sure if it is relevant but I also use Dropbox & OneDrive to keep a lot of user 
files/folders the same across different macs.


    > Anyway, all I know is once bitten....    So now any new computer gets:

    >         1              a basic admin account  User ID 501

    >         2              my main user account  User ID 502

    >         3              if it is a computer that Georgie will use, she 
gets User ID 503!

    > This consistent system seems to work for me.


    > I am not sure exactly what Matt's setup is with regard to the different 
user accounts on each iMac, how they were setup and how he uses them - but the 
problems he described rang enough bells for me to deduce that his main user 
account on his new iMac had a different User ID to his same account on the 
older two iMacs....





    > YMMV


    > Cheers




    > Neil




    > On 18/05/20, 16:59, "Daniel Kerr" 
<wamug.org.au-wamug-boun...@lists.wamug.org.au on behalf of 
wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:


    >    Hi Matt


    >    I haven’t followed all of this thread so someone may have mentioned it.

    >    But a few things to check and adjust, as some of the later systems 
changed the type of File Sharing protocols in the background.


    >    On the newer iMac, go to System Preferences - Sharing. Click on File 

    >    Untick File Sharing for the time being, so it’s not on.

    >    On the right hand side, click on “Options” Tick on Both "Share files 
and folders using SMB" and “AFP" (and you can tick your account under Windows 
File Sharing if you really want to as well). 

    >    Then click Done.

    >    Then you should find it automatically ticks File Sharing on for you.


    >    Repeat the process on the older iMac as well.

    >    Then close System Preferences and restart. (Just to refresh the 


    >    Then log in using either the Side bar or Go menu - Connect to Server. 
- Browse.

    >    Log in to the other Mac, ensuring you’re using both the same name 
(either Full name or shortname) and the computer password of the account you’re 
logging in to.

    >    (You can tick the box to save this if you want to, so you don’t have 
to type it all the time).


    >    You should then find you can copy files.

    >    The details used are important. User details as log as correct (and 
different UserID) should make sharing fine.

    >    I share files between various computers at home, and if I share to my 
son’s computer (which has a different UserID, different username and different 
password). And I can log in fine with no issues moving files around all the 
computers. (Most are the standand ID501 as they were all set as new, but I have 
one machine that has 3 different UserID’s and I can log in to all of them and 
move a file no problems.


    >    Hope that helps.

    >    Kind regards

    >    Daniel


    >     Sent from my iPhone XS 


    >    ---

    >    Daniel Kerr

    >    MacWizardry


    >    Phone: 0414 795 960

    >    Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>

    >    Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>



    >    **For everything Apple**


    >    NOTE: Any information provided in this email may be my personal 
opinion and as such should be taken accordingly, and may not be the views of 
MacWizardry. Any information provided does not offer or warrant any form of 
warranty or accept liability. It would be appreciated that if any information 
in this email is to be disseminated, distributed or copied, that permission by 
the author be requested. 


    >> On 18 May 2020, at 8:52 am, Matt Falvey <mmfal...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:


    >> Hi Alan, I tried the screen sharing method and I was able to get it to 
work, but found it very awkward. In that to save a file to the second mac I had 
to make sure that the file was visible in its location in finder and on the 
screen on the first Mac, so that could be reflected on the screen of the 
second. So I could then copy it from that initial finder to the storage 
location on the second screen.


    >> What I am hoping to achieve is to be able to just be able to go Save As 
and an image of the files on the HD of the second mac opens up and I can select 
which folder to store the file in without having to actually go to that Mac.


    >> Thanks for your help.


    >> Matt.  


    >> Message: 1

    >> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 12:17:50 +0800

    >> From: Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au>

    >> To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>

    >> Subject: Re: iMac not connecting to other iMac's

    >> Message-ID: <0159a081-97ca-42ba-9c39-ba4a48f97...@iinet.net.au>

    >> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


    >> Hi Matt


    >> Have you read the official Apple help file to ?Share the screen of 
another Mac??


    >> https://support.apple.com/en-au/guide/mac-help/mh14066/mac


    >> I also have three Macs of various vintages.  Initially I a few problems 
with stability with the 3 Macs all sharing at the same time. Works perfectly 
with any combination of two.


    >> Cheers,

    >> Alan



    >>> On 15 May 2020, at 11:54 am, Matt Falvey <mmfal...@bigpond.net.au> 


    >>> Hi, I have three iMacs (one is a recent second hand one - 2013 HD) and 
I am trying to transfer documents from one to the other. All show up as 
?Shared? on the side bar of the finder window.


    >>> With the two older iMacs when I click on the 2013 HD icon in Shared the 
window in the next column opens and states the HD name and ?Connection Failed? 
and I have the option Connect As and Share Screen. When I try Connect As and 
try to connect as the Registered User using the Name and Password, it reverts 
to the previous screen, with the Connection Failed. 


    >>> (The two older iMacs connect to each other.)


    >>> If I go to the 2013 HD finder window and click on either of the other 
two HD?s they connect straight away and I am able to transfer files to the 
respective computer. 


    >>> I have also have a problem with the new 2013 HD, which was posted last 
week, with hindsight this may be associated to this problem and that is that 
when I try to save files to one of the other iMacs I get a message ?The 
document ?xxxxx.pdf? could not be exported as ? xxxxxxx.pdf? as You don?t have 
Permission. To view or change permissions select the item in the Finder and 
choose File > Get Info. Which needless to say doesn?t work.


    >>> So it seems as if for whatever reason the other two are communicating 
inwards with the 2013 HD but something is stopping it from being able to 
connect outwards.


    >>> I would be grateful if anyone has any ideas or solutions to share.


    >>> Thanks


    >>> Matt. 


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