Hi Neil,

You might be interested to read a document I created on my website a few years 
ago explaining ‘Owner Account - permissions.


Kind Regards,

 Ronni Brown’s iPad Pro 12.9-inch 256GB 

> On 19 May 2020, at 1:56 pm, Neil Houghton <n...@possumology.com> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Thanks for that info - that is all interesting & good to know.
> Things may well be different in later operating systems - I think that the 
> last time I had these problems was when I (finally) decided to move from OSX 
> 10.6 Snow leopard (my all-time favourite) to OSX 11 El Capitan (the last 
> system that is compatible with most of my computers). I had also just rebuilt 
> my main iMac (late 2009) with an SSD and new 3TB HD and took the RAM up to 
> 24GB and decided to get rid of over decade of built up detritus by going with 
> a clean install of El Capitan ( I keep a bootable clone of the old Snow 
> Leopard installation on a separate partition on the internal HD but don't 
> need to access it very often).
> So, I was not using the normal "migration Assistant" route between computers 
> and I was not "sharing" over the network. I was basically setting up from 
> scratch but pulling user info either between computers using target disk mode 
> or from HDs with clones of the old setup. From memory, my problem happened 
> when I setup one of the computers without first creating the admin account. I 
> remembered having similar issues in the (further) past so I just backed out 
> and created the user accounts as for the other computer(s) and that solved 
> the problem.
> I am not surprised that, in the scenario you mentioned, it all worked fine - 
> as I said before:
> " Each computer setup works fine on its own and, when sharing, you login 
> using the correct details for the relevant account - so you can get access to 
> the account with the same user name/password but different User ID. Then if 
> you want to copy a document to your computer it will be given the correct 
> permissions with you as owner. "
> If I understand it correctly you are logged into your laptop as UserID 501 
> but accessing the iMac as UserID 502 - but when you copy the files over it 
> will change the file owner from 502 to 501 and, thereafter, they are "your" 
> files on the laptop - no problem.
> As I say, I do not remember the exact circumstances when I have encountered 
> these problems but it resulted in me not being able to see or have access to 
> my own user data because the system thought it belonged to another user. When 
> I read Matt's original email, my first thought was that his issues were 
> connected with user permissions - so I suggested he check UserIDs and this 
> confirmed that his problem iMac does, in fact, have a different UserID from 
> the other two for what he considers to be the same account. Exactly WHY this 
> is giving him the problems is hard to know without knowing the exact steps 
> Matt went through when setting up the new iMac.
> I have just re-read Matt's original email and it seems to me there are two 
> separate (but possibly related) problems:
> The sharing problem:
> The 2 older iMacs can connect to each other and the new iMac can connect to 
> each of the older iMac – which suggest that sharing is setup correctly on the 
> older iMacs.
> Neither of the older iMacs can connect to the newer iMac – which suggests 
> that the sharing setup on the newer iMac requires re-configuration
> The permissions problem:
> The older iMac can connect to the newer iMacs and, presumably can access and 
> copy files from them. However it cannot “save” files to them.
> I think this is because the newer iMacs see user 501 as being connected to 
> them but the files/folders being accessed belong to user 502.
> These files/folders will presumably have the default “read only” privileges 
> for other users - only 502 can “write” to them even though 501 has sharing 
> access to view them.
> If the account on the new iMac had UserID 502 (as on the older iMacs) it 
> would have “Read & Write” privileges on the relevant folders and so saving 
> files to them would not be a problem
> Of course, without actual knowledge of the exact circumstances/details of 
> Matt’s setup the above can only be speculation on my part.
> Anyway, good to keep the aging brain exercised  ;o)
> Cheers
> Neil
> On 18/05/20, 21:14, "Daniel Kerr" 
> <wamug.org.au-wamug-boun...@lists.wamug.org.au on behalf of 
> wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:
>     Hi Neil / Matt
>     I think sometimes it can be “OS” related as well, as each OS works 
> differently sometimes.
>     For myself, I can’t say I’ve come across this issue…..and in fact I just 
> tested it now.
>     My laptop is UserID 501. Running 10.14.6 Mojave
>     On my wife’s iMac, I just created a new account for me (same username and 
> password), and it has UserID502. It’s running 10.12.6 (Sierra).
>     I just shared in to “my” home folder from my laptop. Form Finder it 
> loaded fine, and when I copied and moved folders and files from my laptop to 
> the iMac, and via versa as well (from iMac back onto my laptop Desktop and 
> into other folders). All the files and folders copied correctly with no 
> permissions errors. Everything opened correctly and didn’t say anything about 
> owner permissions issues.
>     (Even though the iMac thinks I’m 502 and my laptop is 501)…..
>     But yes,…I think it previously could have some issues.
>     Some of also can be Apple is (or did) move away from AFP file sharing. 
> They then went to SMB1 sharing,…to be more “Windows friendly” and then 
> recently (I think) if I remember correctly they went to SMB2 as it’s more 
> secure. So by default sometimes these different protocols don’t always play 
> well together.
>     (I might have my terminology slightly off, but from memory it’s something 
> like that. On another system I had to run a Terminal Command to re-acticate 
> “SMB1” to file share with an older windows computer for a client).
>     Sometimes if the “shortname” is different, it can cause some network file 
> sharing issues, but that’s where adding in aliases works for that. But 
> generally as long as the shortname is the same (and password), I’ve found 
> they share fine,…even with different UserID numbers. Either that or I’ve just 
> been lucky enough to always get it working,…lol.
>     Sharing is always an “interesting” thing to work through sometimes. 
> Different factors, different OS’es,…..always something :)
>     Hope all this info helps Matt and you can get it working.
>     Kind regards
>     Daniel
>     ---
>     Daniel Kerr
>     MacWizardry
>     Phone: 0414 795 960
>     Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>     Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>     **For everything Apple**
>     NOTE: Any information provided in this email may be my personal opinion 
> and as such should be taken accordingly, and may not be the views of 
> MacWizardry. Any information provided does not offer or warrant any form of 
> warranty or accept liability. It would be appreciated that if any information 
> in this email is to be disseminated, distributed or copied, that permission 
> by the author be requested.
>     > On 18 May 2020, at 7:46 pm, Neil Houghton <n...@possumology.com> wrote:
>     >
>     > Hi Daniel, Hi Matt,
>     >
>     > I guess it all boils down to just what you are trying to achieve and 
> how you want to setup the new iMac and use it with  the 2 older iMacs.
>     >
>     > As Daniel says, and as I previously mentioned,  you can certainly setup 
> file sharing to work between different computers, different user accounts 
> etc. I frequently use file sharing between my account on one computer and 
> Georgie's account on another computer.
>     >
>     > But I have also encountered lots of problems when using different 
> computers where I (inadvertently) ended up with MY account having the same 
> login details but different User IDs on different computers - which is Matt's 
>  current situation.
>     >
>     > It is a while since I was doing all this - so I don't remember exact 
> details/problems - but I think the basic problem boils down to that when the 
> Mac looks at ownership and permissions for a file/folder it considers each 
> User ID as a separate user - so if I set up the same two user accounts on two 
> different computers, say Admin & User, but do it in a different order on each 
> then I end up with the situation where User ID 501 is Admin on one computer 
> and User on the other computer - and vice-versa.
>     >
>     > When things go wrong you can end up with Admin seeing & owning his own 
> stuff on one computer but User's stuff on material that has come from the 
> other computer - and vice-versa - and not being able to see/access stuff that 
> he thinks belongs to him but now doesn't (I haven't really explained that too 
> well, but it is a real pain when it happens)
>     >
>     > Each computer setup works fine on its own and, when sharing, you login 
> using the correct details for the relevant account - so you can get access to 
> the account with the same user name/password but different User ID. Then if 
> you want to copy a document to your computer it will be given the correct 
> permissions with you as owner.
>     >
>     > I don't really remember but I think the problems  I had may have been 
> either when I had a computer die and I was moving stuff from a clone to the 
> new computer or when I had one computer in target mode and tried to move 
> stuff. Not sure if it is relevant but I also use Dropbox & OneDrive to keep a 
> lot of user files/folders the same across different macs.
>     >
>     > Anyway, all I know is once bitten....    So now any new computer gets:
>     >         1              a basic admin account  User ID 501
>     >         2              my main user account  User ID 502
>     >         3              if it is a computer that Georgie will use, she 
> gets User ID 503!
>     > This consistent system seems to work for me.
>     >
>     > I am not sure exactly what Matt's setup is with regard to the different 
> user accounts on each iMac, how they were setup and how he uses them - but 
> the problems he described rang enough bells for me to deduce that his main 
> user account on his new iMac had a different User ID to his same account on 
> the older two iMacs....
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > YMMV
>     >
>     > Cheers
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > Neil
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > On 18/05/20, 16:59, "Daniel Kerr" 
> <wamug.org.au-wamug-boun...@lists.wamug.org.au on behalf of 
> wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:
>     >
>     >    Hi Matt
>     >
>     >    I haven’t followed all of this thread so someone may have mentioned 
> it.
>     >    But a few things to check and adjust, as some of the later systems 
> changed the type of File Sharing protocols in the background.
>     >
>     >    On the newer iMac, go to System Preferences - Sharing. Click on File 
> Sharing
>     >    Untick File Sharing for the time being, so it’s not on.
>     >    On the right hand side, click on “Options” Tick on Both "Share files 
> and folders using SMB" and “AFP" (and you can tick your account under Windows 
> File Sharing if you really want to as well).
>     >    Then click Done.
>     >    Then you should find it automatically ticks File Sharing on for you.
>     >
>     >    Repeat the process on the older iMac as well.
>     >    Then close System Preferences and restart. (Just to refresh the 
> settings).
>     >
>     >    Then log in using either the Side bar or Go menu - Connect to 
> Server. - Browse.
>     >    Log in to the other Mac, ensuring you’re using both the same name 
> (either Full name or shortname) and the computer password of the account 
> you’re logging in to.
>     >    (You can tick the box to save this if you want to, so you don’t have 
> to type it all the time).
>     >
>     >    You should then find you can copy files.
>     >    The details used are important. User details as log as correct (and 
> different UserID) should make sharing fine.
>     >    I share files between various computers at home, and if I share to 
> my son’s computer (which has a different UserID, different username and 
> different password). And I can log in fine with no issues moving files around 
> all the computers. (Most are the standand ID501 as they were all set as new, 
> but I have one machine that has 3 different UserID’s and I can log in to all 
> of them and move a file no problems.
>     >
>     >    Hope that helps.
>     >    Kind regards
>     >    Daniel
>     >
>     >     Sent from my iPhone XS 
>     >
>     >    ---
>     >    Daniel Kerr
>     >    MacWizardry
>     >
>     >    Phone: 0414 795 960
>     >    Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>     >    Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>     >
>     >
>     >    **For everything Apple**
>     >
>     >    NOTE: Any information provided in this email may be my personal 
> opinion and as such should be taken accordingly, and may not be the views of 
> MacWizardry. Any information provided does not offer or warrant any form of 
> warranty or accept liability. It would be appreciated that if any information 
> in this email is to be disseminated, distributed or copied, that permission 
> by the author be requested.
>     >
>     >> On 18 May 2020, at 8:52 am, Matt Falvey <mmfal...@bigpond.net.au> 
> wrote:
>     >>
>     >> Hi Alan, I tried the screen sharing method and I was able to get it to 
> work, but found it very awkward. In that to save a file to the second mac I 
> had to make sure that the file was visible in its location in finder and on 
> the screen on the first Mac, so that could be reflected on the screen of the 
> second. So I could then copy it from that initial finder to the storage 
> location on the second screen.
>     >>
>     >> What I am hoping to achieve is to be able to just be able to go Save 
> As and an image of the files on the HD of the second mac opens up and I can 
> select which folder to store the file in without having to actually go to 
> that Mac.
>     >>
>     >> Thanks for your help.
>     >>
>     >> Matt. 
>     >>
>     >> Message: 1
>    >> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 12:17:50 +0800
>     >> From: Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au>
>     >> To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
>     >> Subject: Re: iMac not connecting to other iMac's
>     >> Message-ID: <0159a081-97ca-42ba-9c39-ba4a48f97...@iinet.net.au>
>     >> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>     >>
>     >> Hi Matt
>     >>
>     >> Have you read the official Apple help file to ?Share the screen of 
> another Mac??
>     >>
>     >> https://support.apple.com/en-au/guide/mac-help/mh14066/mac
>     >>
>     >> I also have three Macs of various vintages.  Initially I a few 
> problems with stability with the 3 Macs all sharing at the same time. Works 
> perfectly with any combination of two.
>     >>
>     >> Cheers,
>     >> Alan
>     >>
>     >>
>     >>> On 15 May 2020, at 11:54 am, Matt Falvey <mmfal...@bigpond.net.au> 
> wrote:
>     >>>
>     >>> Hi, I have three iMacs (one is a recent second hand one - 2013 HD) 
> and I am trying to transfer documents from one to the other. All show up as 
> ?Shared? on the side bar of the finder window.
>     >>>
>     >>> With the two older iMacs when I click on the 2013 HD icon in Shared 
> the window in the next column opens and states the HD name and ?Connection 
> Failed? and I have the option Connect As and Share Screen. When I try Connect 
> As and try to connect as the Registered User using the Name and Password, it 
> reverts to the previous screen, with the Connection Failed.
>     >>>
>     >>> (The two older iMacs connect to each other.)
>     >>>
>     >>> If I go to the 2013 HD finder window and click on either of the other 
> two HD?s they connect straight away and I am able to transfer files to the 
> respective computer.
>     >>>
>     >>> I have also have a problem with the new 2013 HD, which was posted 
> last week, with hindsight this may be associated to this problem and that is 
> that when I try to save files to one of the other iMacs I get a message ?The 
> document ?xxxxx.pdf? could not be exported as ? xxxxxxx.pdf? as You don?t 
> have Permission. To view or change permissions select the item in the Finder 
> and choose File > Get Info. Which needless to say doesn?t work.
>     >>>
>     >>> So it seems as if for whatever reason the other two are communicating 
> inwards with the 2013 HD but something is stopping it from being able to 
> connect outwards.
>     >>>
>     >>> I would be grateful if anyone has any ideas or solutions to share.
>     >>>
>     >>> Thanks
>     >>>
>     >>> Matt.
>     >
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