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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Bush & Treaties....

> In a message dated 12/6/01 6:36:43 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> << Yes. You are right. Nobody needs to pay. Just let the bastards starve. 
> That's the cheapest way. >>
> ______________________________________
> OK -- a little truth in advertising here, Please!
> I cannot seriously believe that YOU believe it's all right for Janice, and 
> millions of others that are in the same position that she is in, to be 
> expected to pay for someone's food, medical care and illigitimate brats, 
> while she has to go without. 
> And if that IS what you believe, then why don't countries such as yours open 
> your borders and let all these losers in to overburden Your pristine little 
> living arrangements for a change??? 
> Granted, Americans are probably the most generous people on earth. But I, for 
> one, am getting sick and tired of always having to be the country that sends 
> money, help, food, medicine, defense ... while Europe and the rest of the 
> world sits back on it's collective butt and does nothing except complain 
> about how terrible the USA is.
> A rampaging LG 

And why, may I ask, do you think that only americans send help? Maybe the american 
media only reports what americans do, right?

§( :8-)

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