
> While it's better than the current way, the problem with such a scheme
> is that it only allows one mod at a time. I much prefer the old
> Warzone way of simply renaming the mod to enable/disable it.
> Double-clicking it could even toggle its enable/disable state.

Mixing and matching mods is never a good idea. If we encouraged it  
then it would just lead to more useless bug reports.

> Other suggestions include simply bundling a separate mod manager (like
> the old Warzone Launcher), or including a mod manager in-game. The
> game should at least report in the main menu which mods are active.

Can do.

>> And another request, is it possible to register additional protocols
>> on linux/max, like "warzone://<ip>:<port>" so that we can fire up
>> warzone from a server-list inside the browser, for example?

Not really. It is possible on Windows but that's about it.

Regards, Freddie.

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