Am Samstag, 9. Mai 2009 06:32:39 schrieb Zarel:
> 2009/5/8 bugs buggy <>:
> > About mods:
> > * NTW Delphino said he will maintain it, and wishes it to remain in svn.
> Someone needs to give Delphinio SVN access.
He has it already, since at least a few months.
His last commits happened to Gna though, so someone will need to merge them 
into SF.

> > * Remove 'autoload' folder? ( I think we should remove it, for reasons
> > stated on ML)
> Sigh. I've had "rewrite loading code" on my list of things to do, for
> a while. Gimme some more time with it.
I am interested in the outcome.

> > About sequences.wz
> > * It does *not* contain any info about all the files inside.  Should
> > it have GPL / COPYING.REAMDME  in it?
> Well, I think the GPL included with the rest of the game should
> suffice, shouldn't it?
No, since the file is distruted independendly from the game, it needs it's own 
license file. I suggest naming it COPYING, to match the common.

> > * I also suggest a version number for this file. (for when/if we
> > update the vids)
> I'm guessing we're only going to update them once, ever, so we can
> just rename it to video.wz, then.
I suggest a version number, too. Should we ever update it, cutscenes-1.wz 
makes it clearly distinctible from cutscenes-2.wz, while cutscenes.wz could be 
So just for the possibility (new/better Theora encoder is one of them) I 
suggest a version number. You never know what the future brings.

> > Config file changes:
> > * Any more requested changes?
> About the colored cursor thing - I have a decently high-end computer
> and I still experience mouselag. It might not be consciously
> noticeable, but it could still impact user experience.
That is why there is a config option to switch to hardware cursors. Afaik this 
issue only appears on high end nVidia cards, which is probably not the 
majority of our userbase.


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