2009/5/9 Dennis Schridde <devuran...@gmx.net>:
> He has it already, since at least a few months.
> His last commits happened to Gna though, so someone will need to merge them
> into SF.

He has commit access to Gna. He doesn't have commit access to sf.net
(or if he does, he doesn't know how to access it - he's been asking me
about it a few _days_ ago).

> No, since the file is distruted independendly from the game, it needs it's own
> license file. I suggest naming it COPYING, to match the common.

The only time it comes up is if it's downloaded with the installer, in
which case it's effectively distributed with the game. Feel free to
add that file, though.

> I suggest a version number, too. Should we ever update it, cutscenes-1.wz
> makes it clearly distinctible from cutscenes-2.wz, while cutscenes.wz could be
> anything.
> So just for the possibility (new/better Theora encoder is one of them) I
> suggest a version number. You never know what the future brings.

I prefer "video" - it's more widely understood than "sequences",
"fmv", "cutscenes", or "cinematics".

Other than that, we don't have version numbers for base.wz and mp.wz.
Why should this be different?

> That is why there is a config option to switch to hardware cursors. Afaik this
> issue only appears on high end nVidia cards, which is probably not the
> majority of our userbase.

Most users don't config away from defaults, which is why defaults
should be the best settings in the usual case. If it _really_ only
affects high-end Nvidia cards, then it's not a big deal, but I think
it's more of an issue that the game could feel laggy to players who
don't know that it's mouselag.

- Zarel

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