On Apr 24, 2011, at 6:43 AM, Christian Ohm wrote:

> I've wondered if the concept of "stable release" is actually useful for us.
> Looking at 2.3, it seems to languish mostly, while people work on new stuff.
> So, proposal for a more git-like workflow:
> -1. Get master into a reasonably stable state.
> 0. New features are developed in feature branches. Bugfixes to a specific
> feature go into the feature branch as well, even after it got merged.
> (Generally, merges go only in one direction, no back-merges from master into
> other branches.)
> 1. Merge feature branches deemed ready.
> 2. Test and get them really ready.
> 3. Release.
> 4. Goto 1.
> That way new features get released reasonably quickly, and we don't have to 
> keep
> care of an outdated release branch. Also, work on features doesn't destabilize
> master before they're merged, and if they do after merging, they can be 
> unmerged
> relatively easy again.
> Could maybe be enhanced with a wip branch where all currently worked on 
> feature
> branches get merged regularly, to see how they work together. If a bugfix
> release is needed before the next "proper" release, it can just be branched 
> from
> the release as needed.

It sounds like the development model described in 

Is that what you would like to see us move towards?

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