Hmm, no... but it's not a new idea.  A google for "asp template script"
might be a good place to start looking.

Failing that I'll try and dig out the code.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: J.R. Pitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 05 December 2002 15:52
> Subject: [wdvltalk] RE: ASP or VBscript problem
> Ben,
> do you have any links to examples of scripts using that 
> implementation?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Joyce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 10:44 AM
> Subject: [wdvltalk] RE: ASP or VBscript problem
> failing that, build your HTML pages as templates and read 
> them in using the FSO, replacing 'fields' in the mark-up, 
> such [this] and [that], with real data at run-time.
> this has two advantages over Context-Switching and Server-Side HTML
> generation: you can continue to build the HTML without 
> interfering with the ASP, and the ASP code isn't tied down to 
> pay particualr page layouts, formatting, etc.
> hth,
>  .ben
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Furry, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 05 December 2002 15:30
> > Subject: [wdvltalk] RE: ASP or VBscript problem
> >
> >
> > Casey wrote:
> > On a separate note, jumping in and out of VBScript causes system 
> > slowdown, and in the long run you'll have better performance if you 
> > were to do something like this:
> >
> > Perry (my alter-ego <grin>) responded:
> > Hmmmm. Not to argue (I'm way too green at asp) but I was under the 
> > impression that dropping out of asp to implement standard 
> html was the 
> > preferred method. You don't have to write line after line of 
> > "Response.write()". What information are you basing your 
> statement on?
> >
> > Casey again:
> > I first heard this theory from Greg C. on this list.  Is he still 
> > around?  Not seen a post from him in a long while.  But since then 
> > I've had it confirmed by several co-workers as well. Yes, 
> writing line 
> > after line of response.write is a task, but the resulting ASP is 
> > cleaner and faster.
> >
> > Then JR spoke:
> > dropping in and out of ASP to static HTML is referred to as context 
> > switching.
> >
> > There are two reasons to avoid excessive context switching: 
> > performance and readability.
> >
> > First, performance. [snip of example] If you're not developing web 
> > pages for at least couple hundred users, it really won't 
> make a lot of 
> > difference. Plus, the new ASP 3.0 engine and Windows 2000 are more 
> > efficient at handling context switches, so performance on that 
> > platform takes very minimal hits, except at extremely high 
> > usage/switching rates.
> >
> > But you also have readability and maintenance. Switching in 
> and out of 
> > HTML/ASP isn't all that easy on human eyes, either. The 
> more <%'s and 
> > %>'s there are in a script, the more likely you are to miss one or 
> > double up on one.
> >
> > Another thing, having static HTML blocks in your code means 
> that a lot 
> > of white space (tabs and spaces) get sent with your page. using 
> > response.write doesn't send extra white space. IOW, instead 
> of sending 
> > [tab][tab][tab][tab]<tr>[crlf] it only sends the <tr> ... saves 6 
> > characters.
> >
> > The best compromise, I think, is to keep blocks together as much as 
> > possible. Don't switch every other line. There is one guy who 
> > publishes as site that uses an out() function to save typing 
> > response.write. I think that's just as bad, since you're calling a 
> > function every time.
> >
> > Myself personally, I context switch frequently during dev 
> and debug, 
> > and then go back and wrap as much as possible in response.write's.
> >
> > Tim adds:
> > This has been a topic I'm interested in, also.  Developing 
> a new site 
> > or app with is easier if you do a lot of context switching - it's 
> > easier to see what code is doing what, particularly if 
> you're using an 
> > IDE of some sort.  My approach is the same as JR's - 
> develop and debug 
> > using a lot of switching, then go back and add Response.Writes to 
> > "block up" the code - reduce the switches to perhaps 5 or 10 per
> > page or less.  Some pages I completely write with
> > Response.Writes (the menu system of our website, for example)
> > just because I want it running as fast as possible.  I also
> > take the time to go back and View Source from the browser
> > after I've converted to Response.Writes, just to make sure
> > the HTML is getting indented nicely and looks good.  I am
> > different than JR in the fact that I have the ASP kick out
> > the extra whitespace to retain the HTML formatting - it's one
> > more way to make debugging easier on myself.
> >
> > A friend of mine looked at this issue pretty hard a few months ago, 
> > and came to the conclusion that even though context switching slows 
> > down a page, apparently using Response.Writes also takes a 
> lot of time 
> > - almost as much as a switch would have taken.  In his opinion it 
> > wasn't worth worrying about context switching unless you had a page 
> > coded and debugged pretty solidly and then converted the whole
> > thing to Response.Writes, in which case of course it gets
> > pretty hard to debug, particularly if you are (like me)
> > sometimes cranking out client-side Javascript using
> > Response.Writes.  :-)
> >
> > Using an out() function probably just negates the whole 
> idea of using 
> > Response.Write for speed.  It would be used simply for 
> convenience, I 
> > think, and you're only saving a few characters of typing.  While I 
> > always try to use the most efficient code I am capable of 
> producing, 
> > our site doesn't get hit hard at all and it's never an issue.  It 
> > seems to me if you really needed the speed you'd go with 
> .NET (which I
> > have yet to learn) since the ASP gets compiled and supposedly
> > runs 50x - 100x faster than "classic" ASP.  One day I will go
> > there, but the learning curve seems a little steep and I
> > can't find the time to dive in because all the other projects
> > are "need it yesterday!".  :-)  I might add that one reason I
> > haven't started using .NET yet is that I want to learn it
> > *properly* - move my head more into an object-oriented frame
> > of mind rather than just converting old ASP into VB.NET.  I
> > don't really think in terms of objects at the present - it's
> > going to be an adjustment. Most of what I do is on such small
> > scales that building objects takes longer than just cranking
> > out procedural code to do the same thing. Never could get my
> > head around the "Hello world" object.  :-)
> >
> > Tim
> > ___________________________
> > Tim Furry
> > Web Developer
> > Foulston Siefkin LLP
> >
> >
> >
> >
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