On January 03, 2003 at 5:22, Ross Clutterbuck wrote:

> Following Will's lead then:
> Who's next?
        heh, heh, i'll bite. I live on an island off the west coast of British 
Canada. Life is good when you remember to close the garden gate so the deer 
don't get in. 
        Started out in the 80's with tape drives and dbase and a boss that had a 
warehouse that he trusted me with. Things happen, I moved, different job, and 
didn't touch a computer again until a few years ago. I bought a box that had 
Win98 and it had PWS. A brother bought me a fat book for Xmas for the OS, but 
the part that I went back to after absorbing it was the chapter on HTML and what 
PWS was used for. The book didn't go beyond the <h>, <p>, <b>, and <i> 
elements but that was so cool anyways. My ISP at the time gave free web space 
and the dutch in me wouldn't let it go to waste; and there was also this thing 
called Front Page with Win98. First site was three pages on free space. Wow, 
neato and all that eh.
        A week later was wanting more and purchased Dreamweaver. Still couldn't 
get enough, so then took classes at a mainland college on HTML and 
JavaScript. Did well, and same brother was convincing me I had a product to sell 
after hand coding his law firm's web site. I was done with Dreamweaver by then 
and started calling myself a Web Developer instead of web site design person. 
Became a reseller, have a few hosting clients now, and last year earned income 
on about 1/2 a year for "regular" wages and the other 1/2 just on 
web/computer/hosting work.
        I take anything that comes along, it's a small island eh. Last project: billed 
hour for creating a form the building supply store needed using Pagemaker and 
exported to a .pdf so it would print easy for them. Simple, nothing related to the 
web, but it pays the rent. Also ongoing web-wise, numerous updates to clients 
web sites, (I've been pretty good about *not* selling CMS's), developing a new 
site for an old client that requires a db back end for a number of functions, a 
stationary package, (L/H, B/C, + Env.), for a neighbor, the guy that sells smoked 
salmon needs his puter looked at after the kids downloaded a virus of some sort, 
(that's a barter job of course), Alice down the way couldn't get her printer to work 
with her new puter after installing Win2k, you get the picture. 
        When you live in a place that is only accessible for the 3500 residents by 
boat, you live by the "get it done" principle 'cause it's a bit of a chore to go to 
continent. If you do well your name gets around, er, it gets around if you don't do 
well either ;-) 
        Google, Half-Price Computer book stores, a strong desire to learn more, and 
lists like this are essential tools for this "job" that started out as a hobby and a 
new toy; but remains something that is fun, enjoyable, and people actually pay 
me for it.


        Mark Groen

MG Web Services
Web Site Hosting and Development

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